Hot chocolate and marshmallows.

108 14 5

The chilly autumnal breeze hit me squarely in the face and I shivered with the impact, pulling the sleeves of the sweater over my exposed hands.

The leaves which were once in the shade of healthy green have now turned into sepia tone with multitudinous shades of cherry red, golden and brown shining through - some fluttering in the strengthening wind while others piled up on the ground in heaps of flamboyant colours.

"What are you doing here?" I turned my head just in time to see my husband looking at me with a worried face.

I gave him a small smile, patting the seat next to me. "Come here. Sit with me."

"Are you out of your mind? You should be inside your room. Resting!"

"I've been resting for the last four months," I deadpanned as a matter of fact. "Now, if your Majesty would be kind enough to provide company to his pregnant wife."

Jin gave me a disapproving look before he moved inside. Few minutes later, he returned with cream colour pillows and a thick blanket; positioning the pillows securely behind my back and sides in a comfortable position, he wrapped me in the thick blanket like a cocoon.

Once again, he moved inside our tiny apartment, returning few moments later with two cups of - what I assumed - hot chocolate with floating marshmallows.

"Drink this. It will make you feel warm." He keeps the cups of hot chocolate on the coffee table, in front of us, before he settles himself on the loveseat, beside me. I opened my blanket-y arm for him to move closer and he instantly curled beside me. The chill that I felt earlier immediately vanishes like evaporating hot air, as his intimate heat overwrites it all when I welcomed him with open arms.

With almost a loving smile, he covers us in blanket protectively, rubbing his palm on my arms in a soothing fashion. His presence always is the one to console me, even more than his voice.

I reached out for his hand, keeping it on my already growing stomach. He visibly relaxed, and chuckled when he felt movements against his palm.

"Just a hunch, but I'm positive this one sure is going to be the next Soccer star." He snorted.

I roll my eyes concisely at him. "I'm still disappointed it's not a she."

"Does it really matter?" He groaned in annoyance. "I'll be happy with either of them, if it comes from you."

"From us," I corrected, staring up at him in awe before a small smile crept onto my lips.

"From us," he agreed, returning my smile with an affable one as his fingers continued to stroke my bulging stomach above the thick layer of clothes - a sight which I got used to in the past few weeks.

Jin stared down at my face, raising my chin with his forefinger as he dipped down to place a chaste yet warm kiss on my lips. Caressing my cheek with his knuckles in an affectionate manner, he places his forehead on mine, closing his eyes momentarily and inhaling my presence.

I felt my heart melt. Even though it was so cold outside, he had a way of melting me in the most earnest way possible. Could I be any more happier? I think so not. But all I know, is that in just a few more week, this happiness will be doubled.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a father soon," he muttered after a moment of sheer silence, eyes trained on my stomach with a silly, self-conscious smile glued to his face.

"And you're going to be great at it." My eyes flickered to him and I squeezed his hands reassuringly. He leaned his head and kissed me on the lips once again, lingering longer than a second.

I smiled genuinely, shifting closer to his side as we both watched the autumn evening settling upon us with a mayhem of colours spreading far and wide. The sun was sinking and the sky warmed into enchanting shades of purple, pink and orange with blotches of golden clouds in a sprodiac coloured canvas.

I looked up at him and saw my whole world before me. Smiling at my own silly thoughts, I grabbed the warm cup from the table and took a long sip from the freshly brewed hot chocolate and soft marshmallows; the unique taste of its soft texture leaving a savoury trail along my tongue.

The other cup of hot chocolate stood cold and abandoned on the coffee table since we refused to break the comforting silence stretching between us. Jin carded his fingers through my hair and grinned down at me as I leaned further into his bear hug, keeping my head against his strong and broad shoulder.

I can't help but think back of that time when we started off on the wrong foot and now here we are five years later, sitting on a cozy loveseat in our small apartment, waiting patiently for our little bundle of happiness to join us soon.

To be encased in his embrace, was like an assurance that I will be protected against all the ills in the world, and the thought of it makes me just wanna scoot closer to the point where there won't be any spaces left between us.

I felt warm, warm and nice in his embrace like the cold marshmallows that probably once felt when they were dipped in the hot chocolate and started melting patiently, taking all the sweet time in the world to enrich the hot chocolate with its delicious flavour.

I threaded my fingers through his, bringing it up to my lips to kiss it and exhaled a happy sigh. This was happiness for me. This moment, right here with him; and when we grow old beside each other and look back to these days, these memories would make up our life.


AN : Don't know where will these one-shots take me, but I'm super excited.

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