Wonder - A day in the life of Yeontan.

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My stomach rumbled, stirring me from my light nap and I opened my eyes lazily to look at dad, staring down at me with an amused look before he shifted his eyes to concentrate on the road.

My dad - Kim Taehyung.

It feels so nice to claim that he is my dad. Of all the human beings I've met, he's my favourite.

When he's not on tour, he'll take me outside and we have our little fun strolling around the peaceful neighbourhood, taking in the scenic beauty. Other times, we would go on long drives and spend our day in the bosom of nature; mostly it was him absorbing the elemental force while I would snore soundly on his laps.

He usually takes me to aesthetic places. Like now for instance, he's taking me out to the beach. And even though it's freezing outside, he wrapped me in tiny colourful outfits suitable to fit my body size. I love wearing warm clothes, especially if it's from him. It has a nice belt of intimacy attached to it, despite it smelling of the floral fragrance from too much detergent.

"Tannie, tannie! Wake up. We're here." Dad stirred me lightly, rousing me from my short nap. He gave me an affectionate smile, unstrapping me from my boxer seat and taking me in his arms.

Taking longer strides to the seafront, we reached the beach in no time, watching the turquoise waves gently swaying back and forth, and washing the golden shore repeatedly.

The wind was cold and strong so I snuggled deeper into his warm embrace as he scratched me behind my ear, mumbling sweet words.

Being together with him was so peaceful.

My other six uncles loved me dearly too. Sometimes, they would even let me be in the company of others like Odeng and Gokmul, Mickey, Rapmon, or Holly, and for once it feels nice to communicate with them in a language that we understood the best.

I particularly love it when uncle Jimin would run with me in his arms. Or when uncle Hoseok would play around, trying to catch my wagging tail. Or when uncle Yoongi played with my paws while uncle Jinnie would sleep with his arms affectionately wrapped around me. Or when uncle Joon would pat me in the head while uncle Kookie made funny faces to please me. I feel so blessed around them. All of them spoiled me so much with their love that it has become difficult for me to choose a favourite.

But, one thing is for sure - I feel at ease the most when I'm around my dad. He's has this special power, a vanilla-like scent that soothes me inside out. Just his presence is enough to make me feel alright. And I'm so glad he's utilising his three-week break to make up his time with me.

I missed him for so long. And the thought of him going again to finish the Asian leg of the tour made me sad. Call me selfish, but I want him for myself, all the time.

We walk back to street and he puts me down on my feet, putting the collar around my neck, as he lets me guide him. We stroll around a bit, looking at the beautiful neighbourhood as we climb uphill to a small cafe with a spectacular garden.

He puts me on the wooden table and proceeds to look at the menu - thoughtful eyes scanning the menu card carefully before he places his order.

The weather has turned chilly, showing the signs of an early winter. The autumnal leaves which are now in the multitudinous shade of yellow, orange and crimson swayed with the cold breeze. The small flowers that were once healthy and bloomed bright, now lacked it's colour and looked lifeless on their respective pots.

I feel the sun on my back as I stretch and fold my front legs, keeping my head between it, and closed my eyes. But the sound of shutter going down stirs my drowsiness and I see dad, giggling like a toddler, and flashing me his signature boxy smile.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Tannie. I know you're tired from all the walking, but I can't help myself from taking this picture." His eyes shone with childlike enthusiasm, small wrinkles forming around his eyes as he showed me my picture on his camera. I blinked several times, before I lowered my head again between my short legs.

He's growing old. Just as I am getting bigger.

I still the remember the day when he brought me at the dorm to meet my six uncles and how they hollered on seeing me.

I was a puppy back then and we used to go together everywhere. He played with me the most back in the old dorm, fed me with tenderness, and put me to sleep while smiling at my dozing form. But now with his busy schedules, it feels like we're drifting apart little by little.

There were instances when he would nuzzle my back with his cute nose or shower my front with his playful kisses while I licked his face clean. I also miss putting my head on his lap while we watched TV together. I know it's greedy of me, but I would rather prefer chewing his shoes and fingers than chew a bone and see him on the screen.

Sometimes, when he would take me with him for long drives - he would lift me in air to feel the sun and the wind from the window of the car, and it felt so lively as if I'm almost a bird, spreading my non-existent wings to fly into nowhere, times when I grasped the true meaning behind utter bliss.

Someday, there will be a someone special who would waltz into his life and take a spot in his big heart. And he would cherish that other person like he cherishes my uncles. Someday, there will also be another bundle of joy or rather joys, playing around me and giving me the same love as he does now.

The future seems pretty and I wish I could just take a glimpse into that near future with mere possibilities, but I also love the time in which I am in - with my dad cradling me in his arms and petting my soft fur.

Actually, the present seems more perfect than ever.

I know I'm just a dog who doesn't understands human stuff and emotions, but what I do understand is having fun and feeling happiness. And he has been my happiness - the cause of liveliness for some time now. A time so long, I've lost count.

But more times than not, I feel myself wondering - would his love still remain the same for me as it is now?


AN:I tried to keep it as simple as possible since the story is being narrated through Yeontan's pov.

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