
15 1 0

Unknown pov

I tucked my head into my knees inside the small closet and scooted as far back as I possibly could.

I could still hear the people downstairs and my fear increased. I wanted my brother to comfort me and tell me it would all be okay. But he wasn't here and I had no one to comfort my five-year-old self.

I heard glass breaking and I began crying. I didn't know what was going on. Mummy had told me to hide in the closet and not to come out until she said to.

I couldn't tell time very well, so I didn't know how long it had been going on. But my knees were beginning to cramp and the sandwich I'd had for lunch was no longer satisfying my hunger. I was scared though, so I stayed in the little hall closet as the ruckus continued.

I started to get tired and soon my eyes were beginning to close. I tried to fight the sleep. But as a kid it was inevitable, I needed a nap. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

I woke to knocking on the closet. I stayed quiet just in case it wasn't mummy. I held my breath and just as I was about to let it out a scary voice yelled to someone I didn't know.

"Jim, come pick this lock!" The voice sounded angry, and I whimpered scared. I buried my face in my knees and cried. I didn't know where mummy was, and that voice was scary.

A few minutes later the doorknob began to jiggle. I screamed on accident and I heard an evil laugh as the closet creaked open.

I tried to scoot back, but the closet was small and I had nowhere to go. Tears streamed down my face as I whimpered.

The man, whoever he was, had walked into the closet and was getting closer to me with each passing second. I squeezed my eyes shut and rocked my small body back and forth.

"Hi little princessa. Are you sad? Well it's gonna get a lot worse now." He laughed and it was the most evil sound I'd ever heard.

The other man, Jim, passed the man a cloth and left without another word. I watched, scared, as the man walked toward me with the cloth. When he was right in front of me, he bent down and brought the cloth to my face. I shook my head and tried to move away but he gripped my arm and held me in place.

It was only while I was struggling did it occur to me that I couldn't breathe very well. My vision blurred and stars danced in my eyes as I slowly drifted unconscious.

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