Chapter One

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-Five Years Later-
"TESSA! Get your lazy butt in here now." I heard Daniel scream from downstairs, except his words were not so nice.

I climbed out of bed and quickly ran down stairs. If I took too long the repercussions would not be pretty. My feet couldn't move fast enough and I started to panic when I heard footsteps.

"TESSA. NOW!" I suddenly got dizzy and my legs gave out and I fell down the last few steps. The last thing I remember before passing out is a dark closet and the sound of cruel laughter.
When I wake up, I am lying on an uncomfortable surface and I shift to try and get comfortable. When a sharp pain overcomes my leg I shoot up and almost instantly regret it.

My leg is wrapped in a terrible excuse for a cast and if the throbbing is any indication, it's in very bad shape. I look around me and frown I'm in a cell of some sort. I haven't been here since I was very young and even then I barely remember my time in here.

I was confused. Why was I down here locked up? Why would my family do something so cruel to me? I sat and cried for hours in the tiny cell but still no one came.
*Seven Years Later*
As the years passed I stayed in the same tiny cell they had put me in when I was ten. I grew but only a small amount. I had a feeling that being in a cramped cage had something to do with that.

At seventeen I had to guess I was less than five feet tall and I knew I weighed next to nothing. They only fed me once a week, and when they did, it was always something gross or expired.
I never found out why they put me here. I didn't know if I had done something wrong or anything that was going on in the world in the past seven years.

I kept flashing back to the night I fell down the steps. I had seen or heard something as I passed out and I couldn't tell if it was a memory or a hallucination.

I rubbed my head as a sharp pain pierced through it as I tried to remember what it was. For some reason every time I tried to remember my early childhood, pain overtook me and I couldn't breathe properly for minutes afterwards.

The years I spent in the cell had caused me to become very quiet. No one was ever here for me to talk to and I found it a waste to use my voice for nothing. I hadn't uttered a full sentence since the day I was put here all those years ago. I sometime found myself wondering if my voice still worked.

Before I could spend another hour trying to talk to myself, I hear a loud bang somewhere to the left of me. I walked up to the front of my cell and tried to see what was going on. Before I could move, I was shoved back and my head hit the floor hard as I fell. I saw two men fighting before my vision left and I passed out.

I was running around with a boy. He was older than me. This is my brother.

In my present state of mind, I was shocked. Peter wasn't my brother. Drew wasn't my brother. This boy was.

I gasped as I watched a movie that appeared to be my younger years. I watched as I hugged a beautiful woman. She had an uncanny similarity to me. This is my mum.

The scene shifted and suddenly I was sitting at a high table surrounded by people. This is my family.

My mind couldn't comprehend as images flashed through my head. They varied, but most of them included the boy and the woman. 

Internally I was shocked and I could feel cold tears on my cheeks. I don't know why they felt cold, but it just didn't feel right to describe them as warm.

I could feel my vision slowly turning black as one last memory crossed my mind.

"Mummy! There's a strange man at the door." Little me tugged on her dress.

"Darling what have I told you about opening the door?" A stern look donned her angelic face.

"I didn't Mummy! I looked out the window!" I smiled at her proudly and tugged her hand.

"You wait here little miss. I made you a sandwich for lunch; go on and eat."

I watched as I climbed onto a chair twice my height and happily ate the sandwich prepared for me. I was in the middle of eating the second half of the sandwich when the woman entered the room with a frantic look on her face.

"Love, Mummy needs you to go hide in the hall closet, okay? Go in there and don't come out till I say so. Okay, baby? Now go!"  I nodded and started on my way to the closet.

I started hearing shouting from the room I had just left and I started to get scared. I began to run to the closet. I turned my head and saw a big man throw mummy's favorite vase onto the ground. I ran upstairs to the only hall closet we had and quickly went in and locked the door.

I tucked my head into my knees inside the small closet and scooted as far back as I possibly could.

I could still hear the people downstairs and my fear increased. I wanted my brother to comfort me and tell me it would all be okay. But he wasn't here and I had no one to comfort my five-year-old self.

I heard glass breaking and I began crying. I didn't know what was going on. Mummy had told me to hide in the closet and not to come out until she said to.

I couldn't tell time very well, so I didn't know how long it had been going on. But my knees were beginning to cramp and the sandwich I'd had for lunch was no longer satisfying my hunger. I was scared though, so I stayed in the little hall closet as the ruckus continued.

I started to get tired and soon my eyes were beginning to close. I tried to fight the sleep. But as a kid it was inevitable, I needed a nap. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

I woke to knocking on the closet. I stayed quiet just in case it wasn't mummy. I held my breath and just as I was about to let it out a scary voice yelled to someone I didn't know.

"Jim, come pick this lock!" The voice sounded angry, and I whimpered scared. I buried my face in my knees and cried. I didn't know where mummy was, and that voice was scary.

A few minutes later the doorknob began to jiggle. I screamed on accident and I heard an evil laugh as the closet creaked open.

I tried to scoot back, but the closet was small and I had nowhere to go. Tears streamed down my face as I whimpered.

The man, whoever he was, had walked into the closet and was getting closer to me with each passing second. I squeezed my eyes shut and rocked my small body back and forth.

"Hi little princessa. Are you sad? Well it's gonna get a lot worse now." He laughed and it was the most evil sound I'd ever heard.

The other man, Jim, passed the man a cloth and left without another word. I watched, scared, as the man walked toward me with the cloth. When he was right in front of me, he bent down and brought the cloth to my face. I shook my head and tried to move away but he gripped my arm and held me in place.

It was only while I was struggling did it occur to me that I couldn't breathe very well. My vision blurred and stars danced in my eyes as I slowly drifted unconscious.

My head lingers for a few seconds in the memory and I felt like screaming and crying at the same time. Those people took me. Took me away from my family and the life I'd had. I was five, five. What kind of loose cannon sickos kidnapped a five-year old and wiped her memory.

I felt my blood boil and I grew angry. I wasn't conscious, but when I awoke I was going to do some serious wrecking to those a-holes. If it was the last thing I did.

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