Chapter Two

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*Unknown pov*
"Mum it's 12 years today. I don't know what happened that day but I miss her everyday." I sighed and sat beside her on the small couch.

"I know baby. I can't help but think it's my fault." I panicked as tears came to her eyes. I wrapped her in a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.

I let one of my hands roll into a fist and vowed to myself I would find her. We had a lead seven years ago when I was thirteen, but we didn't find her then. I had been beating myself up for years thinking if I had been there she would still be here.

The day of the break in and Alaina's kidnapping I was at a friends house. I couldn't help but feel guilty when I returned to the house because Alaina had begged me to tag along. But me being almost eight, I thought my sister was annoying and I refused to let her come.

"I've regretted that day all these years Mum. If only I'd let her come with me this wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry." My eyes began to tear up as I mumbled the words.

"Baby, it's not your fault. We'll find her and then it'll be okay." She sounded a little hesitant, but I ignored it.

I wanted to find her, hurt whoever took her, and apologize for everything bad I'd ever done to her. I wish I could have her here now. I would find her, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

I sat in that god forsaken cell and plotted my revenge. I knew with me being so tiny and having lived in a cage the majority of my life, I wouldn't be able to do much. I just had to find a way out of here and try to the best of my ability to have these people punished.

Even after all these years of being pushed around and abused by my so called family, I'd never felt as much hate as I do now. Just knowing that someone could be so cruel as to take a young child away from her family.

I had no idea how I was supposed to get out of here. The cell was never opened I had basically a litter box to use the bathroom and a bucket for showers. Every few days someone stood at the front and poured water into the bucket and exchanged my "bathroom."

I've always hated this system, but maybe I could use this. I don't know what days they'll come but when they do I'll need a plan.


A few days later someone did come. But it was someone I had never seen before. Usually it was one of two people but this was new. I tilted my head, but still ignored him as I usually do.

"Alaina." My head snapped up and I gasped in surprise. He didn't call me Tessa. He called me by my real name.

I stood as best I could and went to the farthest corner away from him. How did he know me? Why was he doing this? They never talked to me. Why now?

"Alaina it's okay. I'm here to get you out." He pulled out a set of keys and moved to unlock my cage.

"I'm Luke by the way. Thought you might wanna know. I'm a friend of your brothers, he doesn't know I've found you yet. But I'm going to take you to him, okay?"

I just stared at him, even though my memories weren't entirely back, I had never heard of this Luke person before. I tucked myself into the corner shaking my head repeatedly. I didn't know him and I certainly didn't trust him.

"It's okay. Look just let me get you out of here and I'll explain everything. Please we don't have much time." He kept looking over his shoulder and his brows were creased with worry.

I hesitantly stepped towards him and he reached his hand towards me. I flinched and he grimaced before dropping his hand.

"I've already called the cops, they should be almost here, but we're going to have to hide until they get here." He made a gesture with his hand and I looked where he was pointing. There was a dark hallway ahead of us and my heart raced at the thought of walking down it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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