Seeing Mother.

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Fuyumi Todoroki
Ever since the Sports Festival, Shoto has changed, he has become the same little brother he used to be.
                Today was different, today he hurried to get ready, and dress somewhat nice, I asked, "Shoto, where are you going?" He hurries to put on his shoes, "The hospital." I'm confused by what he said we haven't seen Mother since Shoto was five. "What? Why so sudden, not without telling dad?" He didn't respond only rushed to get of the house, he finish putting on his other shoe, and open the door to leave, I finally asked him, "Why see her now? Why see her after all this time?" He replies just with simple words, "I'll be back." As he left and continued to walked.
                       Later that day, Natsuo came home from college. He look around seemed confused, "Where's Shoto?" I looked and sighed, "He left to go see Mother." Natsuo froze in shock. "What?! We haven't seen Mother since he was five!!!" It's weird how he wants to see Mother so sudden. But there must be some reason, "Something happened during the Sports Festival." I know it! He even been texting other people! "Friends." I'm glad he got into UA now he has change and has become more open, and has become my same little brother again.

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