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He inhales deeply as he swipes his hands under my t-shirt: he moves up towards my stomach....and then goes towards my boobs. He finally shreds off the top and leans closer to kiss my body.

"STOP, FUCKER!" Someone penetrates with a slam on the door, in the room.

A tear streams down as I recall the well-known face of....

"Zach!" I exclaim. He looks at me and then turns facing the manager. The manager hops off the bed and walks towards the wounded and bleeding Zach, grinning.

"Zach, Zach...Wow, I can't believe you found us. Hmm, looks like you're keen of this girl, huh?" The manager murmurs. "Well, we're already married. She's my wife, Zach. And a hubby doesn't like it when someone else gores in the room while having..." He was speaking when Zach breaks off with a tough punch on his nose. He pulls him up by the neck and hits him on the wall.

"Never..." He punches on his right cheek.

"Ever..." knocks off the other one.

"Call her your fucking wife!" he gives the manager a final, hard blow. He finally let goes, leaving him lying on the floor. He looks at me with the usual warmth in his eyes. He comes nearer towards the top-naked-me.

"Avert your eyes, dude!" I yell. He doesn't responds but unties me. I try to conceal my breasts with my arms as he leans closer. I close my eyes, realizing such a close distance with a boy. A large drop of tear rolls my cheek. Again, someone who doesn't love me is gonna touch me.

But to my astonishment, he drapes me with a blanket and picks me up. I unhook my eyes; only to be caught in his glimpse.

He walks me down towards a garage and lands me on the warm seat of a porches'. We couldn't take off our stares. He derives closer until our foreheads collide. We both latch our eyes and sigh deeply. He caresses my cheek with his warm hands and he murmurs:

"You're mine. M-I-N-E, understand? Mine. And I'll never let go of you..."

I wrap my arms around him as I nod, "Yeah, I'm definitely yours. Thanks for saving me today, Zach."

He pulls apart and glares at me anxiously. "W-who told you my name?" he asks.

I shrug, "The fucking manager did."

"Did he tell you anything else?"

"Yeah, that he's my husband, master and daddy."

Zach covers my mouth, stopping me from speaking. "Don't. He's not your husband!"

I nod and he removes his hand. He sits in the driver's seat and start up the Rover. He looks at me from the rear mirror and blushes red. I blush too and promptly look out the car window.

Such a fucking hero he is. Saved me twice now. I think he'd be a great lover too....someday?

What the heck am I thinking?! I ain't the girl who'd fall for someone; I'm a weirdo! I frown and he notices that.

"L-let's buy an ice-cream?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh, sure..." I retort, calming my mind.

He parks the car in front of the shop. It looks like a costly one; surely not like an ice-cream shop.

"Where are we?" I interrogate.

"Blue Rose, One for the best."

"Wha_? I-I don't have money to eat in a five star restaurant!"

He looks at me. "Forget about money; look at your clothes first. You don't wanna show up there in a blanky, do you?" he giggles.

"Fuck you, boy!" I laugh, "Yeah, I don't have money to buy new clothes as well..."

He glares at my legs. Then he turns at my face. "Let's buy you a new one."

"No way, I don't wanna cause you more trouble, Zach!"

"Yes way, I'm buying!" He slams outta the car and goes into a clothing shop. Zach is really different from the other guys. Holy shit, I'm drooling! Wait, I'm drooling? Am I in love with him?! No kidding, 'cause I ain't falling for a boy.

"Here, babe!" Zach opens the car door and hands me a dress. He's sweating like a pig. A hot pig. And there comes those blushes as he stares at my eyes. "I-I'm waiting by the entrance. Come soon." He says.

"Babe?" I smirk at him. He sneers back and leaves with a wink.

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