Seliph | Headcannon

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Requested by: Watermelon-kun

• He makes sure that he'll always make the food.

•He also makes sure that the materials are prepared when it comes to your monthly mens.

•He is very obsessive of you, 10/10 he would punch any guy that comes up to you.

•When you two are alone, he'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep.

•Julia teasing you for being a cute couple.

•Seliph agrees and cuddles you.

•Goes mad if he hasn't seen or cuddled you for a minute or so.

•He always read a book to you.

•On Valentine's day, he gives you a card filled with his flirts and complinents.

•On White day, he brings you to a special garden he had setup for you.

•On your birthday, he'll bake you your favorite cake.

•He always promise that he will stay by your side always, which he had fulfilled.

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