Truth #1

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Recap: A family of SuKor. Madhu got to know that Chakor isn't her real mother.

Madhu was eating with Suraj "Now tell me who are you and where is my mom? And tell me why you agreed to made those fake wedding pictures?" She was very keen to know, what and why had happened in the past.

Suraj looked at her "Madhu those pictures aren't fake, they are real!" Madhu was shocked 😯 "What that means Chakor is my stepmother. Uffo you are too much! It's okay if you aren't my real mother, you always cared and loved me like one!" Madhu was happy and Suraj got nervous.

"No Madhu let me complete my words before you speak again!" Suraj hold her hand, he took a deep breath "Meera your mother and Chakor are lookalikes. I saw Chakor after your mother's death, actually a friend saw her and couldn't believe it. He saw her in an area where she never belonged to be!" He had his own problems to talk further.

Madhu hold Chakor's hand "It's okay. Past is past!" She said to Chakor wiping her tears away "Your friend is one who is bad, what was he doing in that area?" Madhu questioned him.

"Madhu was passing by the street, he even met Chakor after I hired her, he never met her before, just saw her and recommended her to me!" Suraj smiles "But, your mother died after giving you birth. I was scared how to handle you alone and he come up with the idea of hiring Chakor as a caretaker. Years have passed and she become a major part of your life!" Madhu frowns "My life? You mean our life's!".

Suraj looked up at Chakor "Haan our life's!".

Madhu smiles and Chakor was happy being a part of their life's. "But Papa this is not all right?" Chakor hold her close. "No Madhu, we can't tell you. You are too young to understand it, just remember one thing. What had happened had destroyed my happiness!"

She left from there and Suraj hold Madhu close. "Chakor lost her child, but not because she was weak. No, the man who has done things with her has told her she isn't worth it to carry a child, as she is not a good woman!".

Madhu fumes "Who gave him the right to judge or decide it? Maa is a good woman and the best Mother. I would like to hit his face and break his nose!" She made a fist and hit the table.

"That is the spirit! Don't worry Papa will do something. When is the birthday of my princess?" Madhu looked at him as mischief as he was looking at her "Oh Papa it is in 3 days!" She shows with her hands and Suraj nods. "Haan don't you want to have a grand birthday party?!"

Madhu smiles "Of course Papa, big Party! Whom should I invite?" She asked him and Suraj smirks "Why this is the biggest house in the city, I am the richest man and you are my one and only daughter. Call the whole school plus parents!" Madhu was shocked "Papa all!". Suraj nods "Haan all because I don't know in which class his child goes or who his child is, yet I saw him today with you. Madhu stay away from Nikhil and his child!"

Madhu looked at him with open mouth "😯 Papage has a daughter Swetha, she is my classmate! Oh no, but Papa don't worry I already show him my anger. How dare he to argue with you!" She turns her face away with a stern look filled with hate.

Suraj smiles "Baap pe gayi hai {She is like me}" Madhu smirks "Yes!" They both gave each other a high five. "You will talk to Maa we can't do this behind her back!" She jumped down from his lap, but Suraj hold her hand "Wait!" Madhu looked at him "Say?!".

Suraj smiles "You talk to her, she will like it more!" Madhu shook her head "You are a big boy and there is something you feel for her, even it is just a little bit she needs to know from you not me!" She releases herself and rushed to her room.

Suraj was numb. What a daughter I got, good for nothing. Now I have to talk to Chakor about my feelings I have for her... oh this is so difficult....

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