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Mother's point of view

I push and push till the little fucker is out. Falco is standing on my left and lighting a cigarette. "Hey bitch! Don't you see I'm trying to have a baby?!" I yell, the baby finally out.

"Hey slut. Don't you see I'm trynna have a smoke?" D/N says with no emotion.  He looks at me as I pick up the baby and wrap it with a cloth. "That's a small ass baby."

"Maybe if you didn't waste your money on your 'business', it would be bigger." I place in a basket and go to clean myself.

Jack's point of view

After the screaming has stopped, I come out of my room. I look around the small living area. I spot a basket. I speed walk over to it, not wanting my parent's to hear me.

Once I reach the basket, I see a small baby. I gasp and smile. I didn't know what to do but I knew you were meant to wash it. I picked up the baby carefully.

I bursted with joy, this was my little sister. I had just lifted the cloth to check. I examined her face. Her eyes were closed and she barely had any hair but I knew she has similar hair as me. I walk over to the bin of water and take the cloth from around her.

I dip the cloth in the water and hold her tightly. I squeeze out the cloth and wipe her with it. I start with her face and that's when she opens her eyes. I'm astonished by it. Her eyes. They were beautiful. I could tell they were a mixture of our parents eyes. She stared at her while she stared at me.

Our mother's eyes were a M/EC. I didn't know what to call them. While our father's were D/EC. My sister's eyes were both though. It was although she didn't know which color to choose so she just chose both.

I continued to wash her when our parent's came back into the room. "What are you doing, boy?!" My father yelled. I jumped and shivered. He was always yelling and it always lead to hitting.

"I-I was just meeting her." I stuttered, not wanting to upset them more.

"Give me my baby!" My mother ran over and roughly took her out of my arms. I slowly get up from my knees and went to my room.

My father came up behind my and slapped the back of my head, "Know your place, boy."

I grunt as I turned around once in my room and saw mother grab my sister's cheeks. She squeezed till she was crying. Mother laughed and put her down in the basket, not even bothering to cover her.

It was that day I vowed to protect my sister.

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