✪Kihyun's Fairy✪

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Okay, so gifs refused to load, so I will just have a picture of her at the beginning and end.

Okay, so gifs refused to load, so I will just have a picture of her at the beginning and end

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―Name: Han Nari

―Nickname(s): Lily and Naree

―Age: 24 years old

―Face Claim: Dreamcatcher JiU

―Backup Face Claim: Weki Meki Doyeon

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―Backup Face Claim: Weki Meki Doyeon

―Backup Face Claim: Weki Meki Doyeon

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―Gender: Female

―Sexuality: Pansexual

―Pronouns: She/Her

―Height: 5'8" or 172 cm 

―Personality: She is very humble and independent. She is a natural-born leader, but she is not the parent of the group. She is very responsible and hardworking even though she has her days where she just relaxes and takes a lazy day. She can't lie because she is a fairy and that is just a trait all fairies have. She gets bored easily and tends to wonder off on her own sometimes.

―Backstory: A normal childhood well to fairies. Her parents abandoned her when she was 12 and left her in the wild to find for herself like her parents' parents did to them. She learned how to take care of herself and somehow returned to Seoul when she was 18. She was already ahead in school and graduated high school, so she went to college.

―Family: Hasn't seen them, since she was 12

―Ethnicity: Korean

―Nationality: Korean

―Languages Spoken: Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, and English

―Power(s): Fairy Magic (it is similar to magic that wizard and witches do, but she uses her hand only), flying, shrinking in size and growing in size, making her blue clear fairy wings appear and disappear, and can tell if someone is telling the truth plus can not lie no matter how much she wants to

―Strengths: Leader, responsible, and she can only tell the truth

―Flaw(s): Can be very lazy and she can not lie

―Fear(s): Being stepped on or slapped in her small size and water because she can't fly when she is wet and she once almost drowned when she was 14

―Likes: Playing instruments, flying, using fairy magic, being able to hide in places others can't, and lazy days

―Dislikes: Water, only being able to tell the truth, liars, people making her do stuff when she wants to take a lazy day, and being called a parent because that means she has to abandon them soon

―Hobbies: Playing instruments

―Slot: Fairy

―Backup Slot: N/A

―Love Interest: Kihyun

―Backup Love Interest: N/A

―Backup Love Interest: N/A

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This is the last slot. I will start the apply fic next week. I will try to update twice every week or at least once a week. Also, JiU is my Dreamcatcher bias. I love her so much. 

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