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(Enjoy, I guess. I am pretty sure that there is now only one person reading this....oh well~ I kind of feel bad for Pride because he is going to need someone by the end of this, but they are already in love whether they know it or not. I will just give them the ending I was already thinking about for them anyway.)


My Pov:

"So how did it go?" Sloth asks after watching everything. 

"I would say that it went pretty well....up until Envy got shot of course....it wasn't how we planned it, but it works."

Wrath, Lust, Greed, and Sloth turn around to find Gluttony standing behind them. "When did you get here?" Lust asks.

"When Sloth asked his question." Gluttony says.

"How did you know that is what he meant?" Greed asks.

"What else would he be talking about?" Gluttony asks back and Greed rolls his eyes.

Wrath looks at Sloth and told him what happened. "Oh...I hope he will be okay. So what happens to the plan now?" Sloth asks.

"We will continue with it and uses his grief against him as well if he is feeling grief." Wrath says.

The other sins nod and stay silent as they wait.

Jinjung sighs and looks at Hanmin. "Well I am waiting. What did you mean by that?" Hanmin asks already kind of knowing why he said that.

"I don't know. I just felt like killing you when I saw you before." Jinjung says and Hanmin frowns.

"So he was right...it is my fault." Hanmin says and pouts.

"Eh, why are you pouting? Don't be sad, my child. I will take great care of you~ I wouldn't have called you my child if I didn't plan on doing that." Jinjung says and pats Hanmin's head.

Hanmin raises his eyebrow, but doesn't move Jinjung's hand.

~Le time skip~

Junyoung carries a sleeping Envy back out with Nari leading the way. 

"Okay, so he is healed, but not a hundred percent because we aren't healers." Nari says and Junyoung nods.

"He will be fine in a day or two." Junyoung says and wonders where he is supposed to put him down at.

"Good to know. Put him down on the couch, Sloth is on." Wrath says and Sloth looks at Wrath then sighs.

Junyoung nods and does what he says.

"I told you so~" Nari says when she looks at Hanmin and Jinjung.

Junyoung looks at them and chuckles. Jinjung is sitting on a different couch with Hanmin laying his head down on his lap. "He fell asleep fifteen minutes ago and I guess you were." Jinjung says.

"Right about what?" Gluttony asks and no one answers his question.


(Even shorter than the last.....By the way, I never said that Envy would be 100% healed. I decided to do another double update because we are technically close to the end of this anyway. Plus, I did it just to show that Envy would live. I am just going to keep doing double updates....so I can finish this by January 9th. Yay~)

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