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(I hope you enjoyed the story and I will enjoy the story.....damn I can't believe that this is the end....Oh well.)


My Pov:

"Okay, so it is time to go home now." Hajae says and walks through it.

Jaehyun follows him without saying anything and Junyoung sighs.

"Does anyone else want to come with us?" Junyoung asks.

Nari is confused by the question because she figured Junyoung would stay down here, but then she remembered.

"I think I am going to stay down here." Jinjung says and glances at Gluttony.

"You know I am staying as well." Hanmin says and smiles as he wraps his arm around Envy's shoulder.

"Wait are you leaving?" Wrath asks and frowns.

"I have to go back, but don't worry. I am sure after that damn council hears what I did that I will be allowed to visit and stay for as long as I want as long as I go to there damn meetings and shit." He says.

"His father is apart of that council, so he just never went back then people would look for him and that will lead to trouble." Nari explains and Junyoung nods.

"Wait are you staying, Nari?" he asks noticing her not moving away from where she is.

"Yep, there is nothing up there for me not counting you of course. If I stayed down here, none would look for me." She says and sighs.

Since Junyoung is going to visit and knows she is down in hell, he would visit her as much as he can.

Junyoung frowns, since that is true and he hates the fact that it is. 

"Oh relax, I will be fine. You will see me when you visit. Now, go." Nari says and Junyoung nods.

Junyoung looks at Wrath and blinks. "Why are you pouting? Stop that. I am weak to pouts period and that isn't helping me right now." 

"But you are leaving...." Wrath says like he wants to whine and throw a tantrum.

"And I am going to visit and stay for as long as I can. I will be back next week." Junyoung says and walks through the portal before anyone else can say anything else.

He looks around his house and sighs. He sees a note then picks it up. He reads it and chuckles. 

"Of course, that happened..." He says and crumbles up the note.

He looks around his house then sighs. He heads upstairs to pack because this is going to be a long week, but first he needs to take a shower.

~Le time skip to next week brought to you by ATEEZ's upcoming comeback~

Junyoung sighs and sits down. He was finally able to come back and the first thing he hears is Hanmin, Jinjung, and Nari arguing over who has a better boyfriend.

Turns out while he was away, Greed confessed to Nari and she accepted, Hanmin confessed to Envy and he accepted, and both Gluttony and Jinjung confessed at the same time so you know how that went.

"I feel very lonely at this point." Sloth says and looks digusted at the smug sins.

Envy is trying to hide how smug he is, while Gluttony and Greed weren't.

"Same." Wrath says and pouts.

"Oh hush, at least you have someone to be your lover." Lust says and glances at Junyoung.

"Oh shut up. Don't you have someone to fuck or something?" Wrath asks and frowns.

"Oh yeah I do...I forgot...." Lust says and skips away.

Wrath and Sloth look disgusted and well Wrath is to blame.


Nari, Junyoung, Hanmin, and Jinjung groan at the same time as they hear Cai Xukun yell. 

"Why are you guys here?" Junyoung asks when he notices that all nine of them are here.

"Why? We are demons. We live here dumbass." ChengCheng says.

"Come on guys be nice." Zhengting says and smiles.

"I still don't get how he became friends with them until I remembered what he did to Hajae when they first met." Nari says and the trio winces at the memory.

"Awww I thought I was your favorite." Xiao Gui says kind of whining.

"No way, I am their favorite." NongNong says and those two start agruing.

"What do you mean I am still Dumber? I don't want to be Dumber. I want to be Dumb." Yanjun whines.

"We can't both be Dumb. That is not how it works. You are Dumber and I am Dumb." Ziyi says.

"You guys are both Dumber if you two are still talking about that. It has been a week for pete's sake." Justin says and sighs.

"Just for the record, I did not start this time, so you can't blame me." Zhangjing says.

"Yes you did." Cai Xukun says.

"You  just had to ask Ziyi and Yanjun who is dumb and who is dumber." Justin says and frowns.

"You did say you had a favorite and that either NongNong and Xiao Gui is that favorite person, which is a lie...but that lie is for another day." ChengCheng says.

"....I did not start this time." Zhangjing says.

Junyoung back away from the 9 boys slowly because he knows what is next. Nari, Hanmin, and Jinjung back away next as soon as the boys starts using their powers to fight each other. 

"You know. I could get used to this." Wrath says watching the boys.

"Did someone get the popcorn?" Sloth asks.

"I already did." Gluttony says eating some then hands a bag to Sloth then Envy then Wrath.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Envy asks.

".....Let's watch until we finish our popcorn, expect Gluttony because I am sure he has more, then stop them." Greed says and the other sins nod.

So they do just that and spend the day hanging out until someone (*cough* Nari *cough*) exposes Junyoung's feelings for Wrath and vice versa. They confess and live happily as a demon can get ever with nine crazy boys that fight a lot and cause a lot of trouble and their lovers.

As for Pride, well he still has Seohye and will eventually regain his friend's trust and become friends again in the future.


(This is finally the end to this applyfic. I hope whoever read this enjoyed this..My second applyfic is a Seventeen one, but tbh idk which applyfic I will release next. Just know I won't realize another one until my Mamamoo or Cloud 9 applyfic fills up.....I am kind of sad that this is finished, but excited for my next one which ever that is.)

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