Chapter 2|| Josiah

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"Shaaaaay" Diamond walked in the house

"Yes?" She came in the room with bags and a huge grin on her face, I raised an eyebrow

"We're going out tonight, to the Ace Of Spades" I gave her my full attention

"Who do you know that invited you to the Ace Of Spades?" She put her bags on the floor and stretched out on the couch across from me.

"I met this girl, like this fineee ass girl, and she invited me out with her and some of her friends. When I told her about you she said that you should come too cause she has a brother-" I stared at her while she rambled, which is not anything new because she tends to talk a lot. I let her talk for a moment before cutting her off

"Okay sooo why should i go?" She stopped giving me a look, I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, to be my wingman and because you haven't had any dick in a minute and it's starting to show in the way you act" My jaw dropped, she snorted

"What the fuck!" she laughed grabbing one of the Calvin Klein bags and tossed it to me

"Be ready by 9"


"Okay, let's not embarrass me tonight. It took damn near bribing Randy to get him to let you come out tonight"  Tae hopped out of the car, I rolled my eyes and I followed suit choosing to stay silent.

The pavement outside the club vibrated intensely to the beat of the song playing inside, as soon as we entered the club, all eyes were on us. People whispered and pointed at us, Tae stood by my side staring straight ahead. We stopped in front of the bar and I leaned in to talk to her

'Why the hell are we here again?" She crossed her arms at me

"Im meeting a girl with my friends tonight, but I got tired of you sulking"

"I was not sulking" She smirked

"You were definitely sulking Josiah- Oh move shes here-Diamond!" She waved her hands in some direction and I sat down on the bar stool feeling annoyed right away. I hate when Tae brings over girls that she meets, they're usually all absolutely annoying and-

"Josiah, this is Diamond" Tae pointed me to a thin but curvy girl with curly brown hair and a black dress on, her face was covered in freckles.

I waved lightly at who I assumed was Diamond and she looked at me for a moment, then her facial expression turned into something that looked like fear. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, Tae caught my arm before I could walk away from the bar.

"We're gonna go dance, behave" Before I could say anything else they were sucked into the crowd, I turned to the bartender asking him for a round of shots. After about an hour I was drunk.Was it the best idea? No, but I would have to be drunk in order to tolerate staying here in this mood.

From the side of me I heard a man asking the bartender for two drinks, I looked over and saw him with a girl. She had thick curly hair to her elbows and smooth dark brown skin, I caught myself staring at her as they walked back to their stools. I had to have her. The man sat beside her with their drinks and she smiled at him, a dimple appearing in her cheek matching perfectly with her straight white teeth. I got to my feet and before I could stop myself made my way over to her, he saw me coming over before she did.

"Hey" I said sliding on the empty stool beside her, she glanced over her shoulder at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Um, hey" I took a deep breath, she wasn't scared of me. I got a feeling in my stomach when she turned to face me, the cockiness surged through me as I watched her eyes take in my appearance.

"Come dance with me, babygirl" I slurred, letting my gaze roam over her body. I licked my lips and looked up to her eyes. I winked and she gave me an amused expression, my face fell into a frown. What's funny? The guy behind her stood up, stepping protectively in front of her.

"Okay creep, what do you want?" He puffed his chest out at me, trying to intimidate me. I chuckled standing up straight, looking down at him.

"I came over to talk to her, and I'm pretty sure she can talk for her self."

"Sean, don't. Just come and sit it's fine"

"No, because he feels like he's a famous boxer he can intimidate people into doing whatever he wants." He slurred. Intimidate people into doing what I want? My eyebrows drew together and I laughed, oh that pissed him off. He got in my face

"You need to leave" he sneered, I stopped laughing long enough to speak

"And- whose gone make me leave? You?" she got to her feet and I was taken back by her height. I was still taller than her, her head was to my chin, but she wasn't small and fragile. Her body was full and curvy, especially her legs. They were long and toned.

"Good lord" I heard myself whisper, that must've been the last straw for him because he pushed me back forcefully. My adrenaline spiked up and I took him down quickly, she jumped out of the way and shouted at both of us. It's been forever since I've been in the cage, so the minute I felt him punch me my excitement covered any rage I felt.

"What the hell, Josiah!" Tae's voice came from somewhere beside me, a small crowd formed around us. Everything was a blur but the last thing I remember was seeing that girl's face before I blacked out.



I lightly knocked on the door, bending over to tie my shoe. The door swung open and I stood up wincing at Sean's appearance, he looked pale and his right eye was slightly swollen. He grunted at me and turned back into the house leaving the door open

"Good morning, sunshine" I mumbled closing the door and kicking my shoes off

"Hey, Shay. Why are you here" I raised my eyebrows at his attitude

"Well you were extremely drunk so I figured I'd bring you some things for your hangover- and if you didn't have a hangover I'm pretty sure that left hook you took last night wouldn't feel so well either" he finally looked from the TV to glare at me, I chuckled sitting next to him.

"Not funny" he crossed his arms like a child

"Very funny, what amount of liquor his you feeling like you can fight a professional boxer and win?" He huffed

"Did you come over to make fun of me or help me?" I got up and went to the kitchen pulling a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer, when I went back into the living room he was stretched out on the couch. I put his head in my lap and rested the bag on his swollen eye

"You know, there's a charity dinner being hosted by the people above Newhouse, Mrs.Jackson and her husband?" I nodded waiting for him to continue
"Newhouse invited me, said I should bring a plus two- I want you to come with me" he mumbled, eyes still closed. I bit my lips

"When is it?"

"3 weeks, and it's kinda fancy so we would have to find you something jazzy to wear" I chuckled a little and he smiled opening his eye to look at me

"Okay, yeah. I'll go with you"

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