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Great! Just great! I was looking for something that could release the same energy as a nuke, but i had to worry about, get this, an army of armored dolphins!

It mostly consisted of me, flying (or swimming) as fast as I could, while firing my repulsars, towards a giant blue castle. It's a castle, that's where the important things are stored!

"Jarvis, how much of the enemy force have been neutralized? " I asked

"Zero point zero three percent, sir. "

I groaned, "at this rate, how long with it take to neutralize them all? "

"Three hundred hours, be advised, that's not counting for any unknown variables. '

Shit! This suit only had enough energy for one hundred hours! I was screwed! Because of the water pressure, i had to use some of the energy from the primary source!

Suddenly my suit stopped moving! My arms and legs were held to my sides, slowly being crushed! The pressure jumped from twelve thousands pounds to one point two million pounds!

As soon as my armor collapsed, i blacked out!

When i awoke, my armor was gone! I went to stand up, but i was chained to the ground! I looked at, i was surrounded by, not quite dolphins... more like sharks! There was also a throne, it was made of what looked like gold!

A monarchy, huh. To easy, point out that he's unfair, and it'll deteriorate!

Suddenly a dolphin came up to me, blocking the throne, suddenly a golden light shone behind him, i noticed everyone looked away from it.

So, he's supposed to be some kind of God? This'll be fun!

"Ooohhhh, shiny!" I exclaimed

The dolphin moved aside, revealing a a man, about thirty, he looked about six foot, he wore a golden crown, his eyes were 'as blue as the sea' as they say, he also wore a suit of golden armor!


I put on a thinking face, "A man pretending to be hunan. " I replied sarcastically


"Oh, your son fights your battles?"

Then I realized something, i was surrounded by sharks, so I had to be underwater, so how could I breath... my cloths weren't wet, yet the sharks were swimming!

As I was looking around, i failed to notice a familiar person walk(?) up to me! Percious Jackson! I know I went pale!

"So, this was the man in the armor? " he asked, "I expected an unclaimed son of Hephaestus, but it's a mortal. "

Mortal? Did they all really think gods existed? Well, Norse ones did.

Poseidon looked at me, "I should kill you, not only for trespassing and attacking my subjects, but you attacked my son!" I felt the temperature around me start to heat up! If I had my suit, i could analyze what was going on! " but killing you would only end one problem!" He paused, "so, you'll be a messenger, tell your friends you stay away from Percy, or YOU'LL DEAL WITH ME!"

I gulped, why was I nervous? I was just looking at a being who claims to control over half the planet, and i had no suit, yet still had the ability you breath underwater! Maybe I should bring up what I found...

"Actually..." I started, his face went grim, a rudder appeared in his hand, "Percy's mother, she was Sally Blofis, correct? "

Suddenly a hand was over my face! "Don't talk about my mother!" The owner, Percy, snapped

"Then how about your great-grand uncle? " I asked, immediately feeling his hand loosen

"What? " he was clearly confused


I was again at Sally's old apartment, i was looking for anything, when i came across something! Gold dust, a lot of it! It was seeped into the carpet!

I went into her son's room for the first time, i was told he goes to a summer camp, so I had stayed out, but i found many weird things: a bull's horn, that was way to big, assorted weapons: swords, axes, javelins, shields! They were in places you wouldn't notice right away!

I also found some weird brownies under his bed, marked Ambrosia, he also had two small jars, like the little jam jars: one was marked Hyperion and the other was marked Alcyoneus, both were filled with golden dust.

I pocketed these, i couldn't save the weapons, but i did find some pictures, i grabbed those as well. The owner was going to thrive everything away, should I grab his brownies? It might be a good joke.

I did, i looked around, saying goodbye, to one of my last living family members. Sadly...i never met her, i felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Goodbye, grand niece. " I muttered, walking out holding the few things I grabbed, the brownies, two jars, pictures, and a locket from Sally's room.

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