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It was kinda awkward in Tony's jet, I almost crushing his skull and all. I was going to meet my gread-grand uncle, who was as coincidentally a war hero during the forties, crashed a plane into Antarctica, and frozen for sixty years! He sounded pretty cool!

He also apparently lives with the greatest hero's to ever live! Maybe I'll see a familiar face, probably not. Suddenly a blinding light was seen! Tony, who was across from me, shielded his eyes, while I simply looked away. I had a feeling I knew who it was, the figure that stood there: was tall, had black hair, would be described as hot! He was looking at me, with his golden eyes, "Percious, I just came to inform you, I have repaid one of the debts I owe." He explained

I lowered my head, "Thank you, Lord Hermes!" I replied, before he just disappeared

I noticed Tony had passed out! He's lucky he didn't die! I decided not to follow his lead, I didn't trust him.

I reached into my pocket, confirming riptide was there.

It was a loooonnnnnggg flight, it took us about two hours to get to 'Avenger's tower', as Tony called it. We walked in, it was huge, like, a quarter of a mile huge! The first floor was all one room, like a reception area, there literally was receptionist behind a desk! She nodded to Tony as we walked by, me, I got the stink eye!

We got into an elevator, the weird part, there were no buttons! I looked at Tony, he winked at me, "Jarvis, top floor."

" Yes, sir. " I backed too the wall and pulled out riptide


We got into the elevator, Percy looked around the elevator, clearly looking for buttons, I winked at him, "Jarvis, top floor."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis replied

Percy reacted immediately, he backed up to the wall of elevator and pulled out a pen!

"Easy son." I said, trying to calm him down, "it's just my AI, Jarvis."

He didn't seem to have heard me at first, his eyes were looking everywhere for an enemy, after about thirty seconds, he put his pen away!

"Don't feel embarrassed, you uncle had the same reaction." I muttered to him just before the doors opened

We walked through the door, I noticed he took his pen out of his pocket, he didn't hold it in a threatening manner, more like it was a comfort thing.

We were in a hallway that measured exactly sixty feet long with three doors on each side, that led to an awesome living room with a built in kitchen, all designed by ME!

Percy seemed to eye everything as a potential threat, when we made it to the living room, everyone was doing something: Natasha was cleaning some of her guns, Clint was sharpening his arrows, Bruce was messing with some type of cube, Thor was watching a tv drama, and Steve was pacing behind the couch.

He perked up immediately when we walked into the room, "Hello everyone." I called out


What if he hates me for what I did? What if he blames me for what happened to Sally? What if his criminal record wasn't a mistake? These were a few of the questions going through my head, honestly I was just nervous.

Suddenly I felt someone enter the room, "Hello everyone." Came Tony's voice

I turned and saw Tony and Percious standing there, Tony had his usual feel about him, Percious in the other hand was looking at everyone, he eyed up Clint, than banner, then he kinda just scowled(sp?) at Thor, than Natasha, then his eyes ended on me. I noticed he had a pen in his hand.

Percy Jackson meets the avengersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن