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I had to explain to Zoe and Steve that i had to go alone because I'm the only one who could deal with the pressure sry the bottom of the North Atlantic ocean, neither one of them was happy about it, but hey, problem for later!

And with the false information I had given to Perceous, he would have to be on combat for at least a few days to win, so I had Steve and Zoe hide in town a few miles away from camp.

I was currently waiting for Perceous and his army to leave the palace, go attack camp half blood, then I would go in, fin the dungeon, then my father, have him disown all his children and fight Perceous sword to whatever he uses.

I had to wait for about twenty minutes before they left, i waited another ten minutes before going to the gate, the guards eyed me, "Milord!
Did you forget something? " they asked, i noticed the venom in their voices

"Yes, my armor. " I replied, pointing to my plain black pants and Camp half blood t-shirt

They opened the gate, i swam as fast as I could towards the palace, once i got there, it would get even more difficult!

~time skip to inside the castle~

I was going down hall after hall, looking for a way to the dungeons, surprisingly I didn't see any other guards!

Eventually I did see someone, he looked almost just like me! Except he had green scales over his, one, arm! He was my half brother Triton!

When he saw me, i saw fear fill his face, he swam over to be, "what do you need Milord?" I noticed that the way he spoke, he hated my guts, that doesn't matter though

"Ambrosia and nector, as much as we can carry!"

He looked confused, if i went evil, fatter could be in bad shape....

He led me to the kitchen where there was a few mermaids working, when i pointed to the corner, that was empty, they swam over to it. I want stupid, i kept Triton in front of me at all times, so that he wouldn't assassinate me. When we had enough ambrosia and nector to kill a dozen half bloods, i had him lead me to the dungeon.

It was a narrow hall that was basically a wall of bars all the way down! Triton led the way, about halfway siren the hall, where Poseidon was chained to a wall!

I looked inside and almost puked! He had cuts from his hip to his chest, wrist too shoulders, two large stakes in each leg, what's worse? His cell was in an air bubble!

Without thinking, i pushed Triton behind me, grabbed the cell door and ripped it off! I ton the stakes from his legs, ignoring the golden floor I was on, tore the chains that was holding him to the wall, he immediately fell into me!

I felt an unrivalled rage build up in me! He finally said something, "I'm sorry..." he coughed, "...i couldn't save her...." I feet something wet on my shoulder, "... what can i do? " he was crying now!

"I want to make things right, " I explained, "but I need your help. "

"Whatever you want!"

"send me back to camp half blood," i pulled water over to us, started healing him, then eat ambrosia and nector, before disowning all your children. "

He looked at me, his wounds were starting to heal, "okay, my son, anything else?"

" follow me to camp half blood, after you've regained some of your power, we've got to defeat evil me! " I explained, "Triton, stay with him!" He gave me a stupid look, "Do you want the evil me to win?" I shouted at him before running out of the dungeon.

I left because Triton was getting itchy with his sword. I needed to prepare myself to fight myself.

I eventually found myself in the throne room, it was remarkable, it also looked different than from my world, there it was solid gold, here it's lapis, as if it isn't my father's throne!

There were ten guards in the room, five in each side, I looked at each and everyone of them, "would you please spar with me?" I asked them

They looked confused by this.


I was confused to say the least! My son, the one who had 'sparred' with me so that he could chain me up and torture me for the past few months shows up, frees me, heals me, and wants me to disown him!

But now I'm strong enough to kill my... Son...kill him? We'll see. I, now with about a quarter of my power, head towards my throne room. As I approach it, I hear the sounds of swords clanging! I rush towards it, fearing for what I'm about to see!

It's amazing what I see: Perceous dual wielding swords against the royal guards, Zoe, the ex-huntress, and a monster of a man with a shield! He isn't fighting to kill though! He isn't using his power over water, what's going on?

He keeps getting cuts that heal, I notice at one point that his Achilles tendon gets cut, but he doesn't even respond! He just keeps going! Eventually he tosses his swords to the side, I finally step into the throne room, I notice it has no water! I remember that Zoe and ,probably, the other guy can't breathe under water!

I look at where my throne used to be, it's been replaced by a blue one, made from lapis! I fill with rage, when I finally notice, Triton, only had one arm!

"It's time." My son announces

I'm confused, "for what?" I ask

He looks at me, "to send me to camp half blood."

He wants me to send him to camp half blood? "I WON'T LET YOU ATTACK CAMP HALF BLOOD!" I boom, knowing that I probably won't be able to defeat my son

"If you don't, " he starts, "the other me, will kill everyone!"

I don't believe it! Another him? It would make sense....

"Show me camp half blood!" I demand

A mirror appears in the middle of the room, it shows my reflection at first, before it swirls into Perceous Jackson! He's shooting Canon's of water at the strong hold! Laughing!

"Please!" The Perceous begs

"I, Poseidon, declare that all my, demigod, children are no longer mine!" I declare, before twirling water around him, making him disappear

"Sir!" Comes a gruff voice, I turn and see the big guy talking to me

"Yes?" I ask

" Send me, too. " he begs

I look at him confused, "why?" I ask

He looks me straight in the eye, "he's the only family I have." I'm taken back by this.


I appear to be falling! From a few hundred feet up, below me, I see evil me trying to control the water, but failing to! As I hear him, about a hundred feet away, I tell "PERCIOUS!"

He looks up, confused, I expected him to block with a sword or something, but I kinda kill him, then and there! Guess I win?

"EVERYONE!" I yell

All the soldiers the evil me brought look at me, "return to Atlantis!" I yell

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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