Untitled Part 2

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Things did seem to go back to normal, classes, work at least, but now every Sunday you had brunch with Miss Sue and Cora. At first, you didn't mind spending some of your Sunday with your Grandmother's closest friend but now Miss Sue was starting to push you a little too much from your liking. She was still on you about moving into her place. Which you always quickly and quietly refused, you had a pretty sweet set up. Your place was small but perfectly situated. You were close to all your class except one, abnormal psych was on the other side of campus and you only took the class on Fridays and Mondays, but so far you had made it on time only twice. Needless to say, your teacher just loved you! It was a ten-minute walk to work through and the subway was just passed that. If you moved in with Miss Sue that would be an extra half hour of travel time just to get to campus and well that is precious sleep time you wouldn't sacrifice. Plus you didn't have to explain to anyone what you were doing or where you going, you can't put a price on freedom! Well, actually you could and that price is your rent!

The last brunch Miss Sue started on a new subject that made you consider asking your boss to switch your shift at the store to Sunday morning instead of Saturday. The words out of the lady's mouth almost made you spit out your coffee.

"So have you been seeing anyone? You should consider having a child." A child! You weren't even old enough to legally consume alcohol, let alone even start thinking about children! You and your friends were stuck on the thought of what you would be wearing for your 21st birthday party in 4 months, not what you'd be bringing your first child home in.

"Mom!" Cora says thankfully stealing her mother's attention while you recovered from your burning windpipe, the coffee you had been drinking made it down the wrong pipe after the suggestion of having a child.

"What? Am I the only one concerned about the line continuing? It keeps me up at night worrying that something will happen to her. She refuses to move in with us." Miss Sue starts her voice steadily rising while she looked off vindictively to the left.

"Now is not the time, Mom!" Cora interrupts her mother, casting you an apologetic look as you set your fork down, this meal is definitely over.

"Fine. I will say no more, but you must start thinking about the future." Miss Sue points her finger at you, and oh you definitely were thinking of the future now! You were thinking that you were going to talk to your boss about working both weekend shifts instead of Thursday nights. You need to end these brunches tout suite!

Unfortunately for you, your bosses didn't agree with your new shift proposal. So here you were, running down the sidewalk first thing Friday morning, running through groups of students that were congregating around campus to talk to one another, running past the statue of your schools founder and finally into the psychology building where your class was on the top floor. Your professor had threatened to lock you out of your classroom if you were late again, so you had to make it to class on time or else you'd miss the first exam of the semester.
You ran through the automatic doors and passed the stairs and elevators, against your better judgment you thought you could use the last three and a half minutes before class to grab a Latte from the school cafe--there was always time for not being tired in your eyes! Thankfully the girl that lives across the hall from you also works at the cafe and bless her if she didn't have your order prepared for you every Friday morning. The moans, groans, and complaints come from all around you as you push and shove your way to the front of the line, quickly producing your debit card from your back pocket and shoving it into the chip reader while grasping your hot drink that was sitting on the counter. You heard the girl behind you whisper the word 'bitch' under her breath, but you hardly care. This was your routine, something you did every Friday morning. She could kiss your ass as long as you made it to class on time. You do shove a nice tip in the jar for her trouble though, before running out the door, juggling your books, an extreme hot latte along with a super yummy caramel swirl muffin, you take a quick peek at your watch and are happy to see that you were going to make it on time if you hurry.

The Forgotten EmpressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon