Untitled Part 8

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Hux started going through all he's missed while he was away and found it only slightly daunting when he first took a seat behind his desk. Looking through all the missed messages he had received he determined It would likely take weeks to catch back up, what the hell has his assistant doing well he was away?

Well, Hux knew of one Officer that was going to receive a severe talking to tomorrow. He had no choice but to just dig into it. The sooner he started the sooner this would be finished but in the back of his mind, he was already thinking of potential new assistant, clearly, this one was not able to function without his presence.

When his stomach growled and he looked at the time he was shocked to see that he had been at it for hours. He had not meant to leave his little Empress alone for that long, but upon exiting the room he finds her sleeping on his sofa. The silly thing, she could have had his bed. He was happy to see she had eaten the meal he had ordered for her at least, Hux would not put it past her to refuse food to try and manipulate him into returning her home.

As Hux waits for his meal to arrive he thinks but the events that have transpired so far. His ship had been destroyed, he had nearly lost the Empress when she slipped at the hanger, and he was sure that it would likely be the only time Hux was ever thankful for Kylo Ren and his force abilities. Hux smirked thinking about Kylo being thrown across the room, not only did the Empress get to see his true temperament but it was nice to see Ren get a taste of his own medicine, even if she had only done it accidentally.

Hux would have to get clothes ordered and she was in desperate need of instruction. He understands that the former Empress and her offspring felt the need to be hidden but for the life of him Hux could not understand why they didn't educate her in secret. She literally knows nothing! Nothing about her Empire, nothing about her history. Hux was busy listing all the things he would soon need in his mind: an education droid, as well as a prodigal droid, would need to be a top priority. The list grew and grew in his head until he was startled at the sound of her voice right out in front of him.

"I can feel you staring at me!" Hux hadn't realized he was until the rather annoyed voice of the not so sleeping girl had announced it. "It's super creepy, not sure if that's just an Earth thing but it's considered rude to stare." The girl pulls his blanket over his head with a huff. Hux was happy his food was delivered at that moment to save him from an awkward apology. He had ordered himself the same meal as he had for her earlier, as he moves to the table he hears an exasperated sigh as the girl dramatically throws the blanket off her. "Now I can't go back to sleep!" She gives him a contemptuous look. Hux was starting to think maybe it would be better if she had her own quarters. He was not accustomed to people in his private space and he certainly wasn't enjoying it so far.

"Well if you're up then there is a lot we must discuss." Hux gestures to the chair across from him as he starts cutting into his meal.

"Why is it so cold in here?" She grumpily stands to wrap his blanket around her. Hux points to the only window that is next to the table. As beautiful as it was space was cold, the girl would have to get used to it.

"What, there's no heat on this boat?" Hux nearly choked on the water he was sipping at his prized ship be called a boat, as she shuffles forward, actually, she did more of a hop because she had the blanket rolled around her so tightly, Hux had to repress a smirk as she takes a seat across from him only her face sticking out of a tiny opening, she had made herself in an Imperial roll.

"Yes but I keep my room the same temperature as the rest of the ship or it would be uncomfortable when leaving my quarters. I am sure in a few days you will not even notice." She scowls at him and looks at his plate. "Are you hungry? I could order you some food." But still, he only gets a scowl.

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