Chapter 1

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It took five days on the water and I was nearing the main lands. The crew that steered the boat were nice and kind to me. It was definitely a better experience back, then it was there. I mean it was better then being shot at by cannons and traveling to boat to boat to survive. I was going to miss Koz and his smart remarks to my opinions. He might of not been the best necromancer but he was a good person over all. I'm also glad I don't have to worry about him, if I'm too late to stop Pyged, a lot of blood will be shed and I plan to keep most my friends alive. I could see the docks where I left a few days back. I saw the run down village beyond the docks. I walked over to the edge of the boat as it slowed down near the dock. I raised my hand and felt at my face that was starting to grow facial hair. I haven't had too much time to cut it, so its been growing. The crew behind me worked to get the boat stopped. I just relaxed on the deck waiting for the boat to reach land. I wonder how Rose was doing, she's been in the village alone for the days I've been gone. I hope nothing bad happened to her, I would feel bad if something did happen. 

The boat stopped at the wooden poor made dock and the crew worked to get a plank of wood down on the dock. Some walked off and tied the boat down as others got off, carrying crates of goods to trade and buy for their journey back. I stepped up and off the boat looking around. The docks had their regular merchants and civilians walking around. I walked forward toward the town to go find Rose, if she was still there. I hope she was, for which I would have no way of finding her. I walked past some poorly made shops were desperate merchants called for me to try and sell whatever they had. I ignored them and kept walking toward the town. "Turtle?" A women's voice called out from behind me. I recognized the women's voice. I turned around to see a girl with red hair that fell way past her shoulders. She stood with one hand on her hip, the other dangling by her side. She wore a mixture of armor. She wore a custom made chest plate that was tinted gold. She wore silver armor on the rest of her body with a green cape that fell over one shoulder with this sword emblem on it. 

"Lora." I said back. I started walking over to her and the group of knights that was behind her. Each one wore silver armor with that sword emblem on it. Before I made it over to her Lora had already run over and met me half way. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Her armor clashed against me but with my shell it didn't effect me much. I spun her around and placed her back on her feet and let go of her. 

"You were the last person I thought to see here." She said returning to her pose she was in before. 

"It's so good to see you, It's been since the arena." I said. I leaned back on a few large crates that were behind me. 

"How did you get here, I thought you were captured, but when I came for you, you were gone." She said. 

"It's a long story and I'd be happy to tell you over a beer and some food other then fish and bread." I said. Over the past few days on the boats, all I've eaten was fish and stale bread. 

"Of course, Dodger will be happy to see you, he's in the tavern." She said nodded at her men and then walking. Her men just stayed there and talked to one another as me and Lora walked to the tavern in the town. She walked ahead as we got to the tavern. There was more soldiers and knights with the sword emblem standing around near the tavern. I walked in the tavern after Lora. In was more civilians along with more sword emblemed soldiers drinking and relaxing in the tavern. I followed Lora as she approached a table with a few soldiers sat. She tapped a man on the shoulder and he turned. I almost couldn't recognize the man but it was Dodger. He had a full grown beard now and his hair was cut. He had this long cut on his left eye that was half covered with bandage. He stood when he saw me. He smiled as he was relieved to see me. 

"So we don't find him in a cell but where best to look next but a tavern." He joked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I wont lie it was good to see the jerk. I placed my hand on his shoulder as well and we both nodded our head. We stopped having our hand on our shoulder and stood in circle. 

"How's it been old friend." I said. I crossed my arms. 

"It's been better, but thats just how war goes, eh?" He said. 

"What happened to you?" I asked pointing out the wound on his face. 

"This, I got it recently over at that crazed dragons castle." Dodger said. 

"Why would you guys risk such a thing?" I asked. 

"We went to free you, word was you were fighting in some kind of gladiator battle. Once we found out where, we didn't hesitate to form a team to come get you." Lora said. 

"Too our surprise the place was empty besides the few soldiers and people who live there. We checked half the castle along with the dungeon, you were no where to be found." Dodger said. 

"Yes, I had already freed myself and got away, I actually met up with Koz on my way." I said. Lora's head shot up. 

"Koz? Where was he with you?" Lora said. 

"He was, I journeyed with him back to his home, from there they sailed me back. He wanted to let you know he was sorry." I explained. Lora slowly nodded. 

"Well I'm glad he's okay, we were supposed to meet him here but when we arrived, he was no where to be found." Dodger said. 

"I can't believe you guys made it out from Pyged's castle. How did you guys escape from him?" I asked. 

"That's the thing he wasn't there luckily." Dodger said. 

"We didn't leave empty handed, we found some plans, letters of agreements, and a prisoner that was left alone in a cell." Lora said. My head shot up when she said that. 

"A prisoner?" I asked. 

"Thats right, Turtle!" Snake's voice called out from behind me. I turned and saw the human leaning against a post. He smiled at me with his head tilted. 

"You made it out." I said. 

"Yeah, thanks to your friends." He said. I didn't expect to see him again. I thought for sure Pyged would of killed him by now. 

"This man was crying in a cell when we found him, says he knows you." Dodger said. 

"I wasn't crying! And I did know Turtle, isn't that right Turtle." He said standing straight from the post. 

"Yeah, he helped me fight in gladiator battles." I said. 

"You hear that beautiful, I helped you friend here, that sounds like that deserves a kiss." Snake said to Lora. Lora smiled and walked over to Snake. Was she really going to give him a kiss. She leaned in and kissed Snake who leaned in. Dodger and I watched as they kissed. Lora then moved her hands up from his chest and then moved them to his shoulders. She then stopped kissing him and pushed him back to the post with her hand around his throat. Snake's body crashed against the post with a bit of force. 

"Talk to me like that again and next time I'll just hit you instead." Lora said. She let go and returned to us. 

"Whatever, I still claimed my kiss." Snake said rubbing his neck. 

"What about Rose? Is she here?" I asked. 

"Speak of the elf." Dodger said. 

"Turtle!" Rose's voice said behind me. Before I could fully turn to her she was already jumping to hug me. I hugged her back picking her up like I did Lora. Only with Rose the hug lasted a lot longer. She dug her face into my shoulder. After I let her go she smiled up at me. " Wait, I'm suppose to be mad at you." She said turning and crossing her arms. 

"For what, leaving?" I asked. 

"Yes!" She said, acting like a child. 

"How can I make it up to you." I said, knowing arguing with her was pointless. 

"You can start by apologizing." She said. 

"Rose, I'm sorry for leaving you to help a friend get home safely." I said with a half smile on my face. 

"Well I'm glad you're back." She said turning and smiling. "All is forgiven." She continued. We both turned and joined Lora, Dodger, Snake back in a circle. 

"It's good to have every one back." I said. "Now where do we go from here?" I asked.

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