Chapter 6

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My troop and I were now deep into the woods that covered this side of the main lands. Tree's for miles. The deeper you go, the darker and wetter it gets. I was still on my horse that now had mud covering its fur. Rose was still sitting up on the carriage, looking through a book about elixirs. On her lap was a small box that was filled with elixirs. She pulled one out and scanned through the pages of the book, to learn about it. With it being the evening, most soldiers were eating bread or cheese that was packed for the journey. Mud splashed below our horses as we walked through the muddy paths of the woods. I petted my horse for his good job. "This one is interesting." Rose said holding a vile of green liquid. 

"What is it?" I asked, still riding next to her. 

"Its a hallucinate, or poison, both really." She said. 

"Well what does it do?" I asked. Being that we've been riding for hours, we were bored so talking about stupid elixirs in a box was entertaining enough. 

"When in contact with a living thing, whether being through ingesting it or breathing it or injecting it into your blood steam. It effects the brain into seeing things a lot worse then it is. From what it says here, it makes a person appear like a demon, a bird into a dragon." Rose explained. 

"Well how exactly do you inject it into someone?" I asked. 

"You dip a blade in it and stab or cut your target." She said. 

"Useful..." I said, looking behind me in my quiver of arrows. 

"How much longer?" Rose asked closing the book. I chuckled a bit. 

"We still have another few days, young one." I said. Rose sighed and leaned back in the bench. 

"Well if its anything, we can tell a joke." The Knight steering the carriage said. 

"Are you a fool?" I asked. 

"No sir, just like to be funny." He said. 

"Okay, tell us your joke." Rose said. 

"Well, there are many castles in the world, but who is strong enough to move one?" The Knight asked and waited a few seconds. "Any chess player." He said. I smiled as I did not see it coming as Rose laughed. Even some listening Knights in the carriage started to laugh. Everyone was laughing except the Knight who told the joke. Rose started to laugh and looked over at the man. He was still looking over at us. He wasn't moving, and he gave us a blank stare. Rose poked him in the chest causing his body to collapse over and reveal the knife in his back. It was a throwing knife. Rose's eyes widened as I straightened up in shock. As others in the carriage noticed it was too late. A figure in the trees swung down and kicked me. The impact caused me to steer my horse left. I crashed against the carriage which sent it off corse. I fell off my horse and it took off after. Rose reached over and grabbed the reins of the horses. The crate of elixirs flew off her lap and onto the ground. I sat up from falling to see five more figures swing from the trees and crash into my troop. Two landed on first carriage that Rose was on. They started to attack the people in the back. My men fought back and killed the attackers but we lost two men in the process. 

One landed in the following carriage behind Rose's. He stabbed through one Knight before being kicked off the carriage. He landed on the ground and was ran over by the following wagon. It crushed his head under the muddy, wooden tire. The last one attempted to land of the wagon but one of the Knight's riding on it took a cross bow and shot him in the air. His body landed feet away from his target. The last one landed in front of me, along with the other figure. The figure that kicked me off my horse took a throwing knife and threw it into the back of one of my horse riders. His body collapsed and he slid off his horse. His horse ran off after. I stood to my feet and tried to regain my vision. From being hit off my horse and crashing against the carriage made everything blurry and spin. The figure in front of me approached me before being cut down by the last horse rider. "Turtle!" Rose's voice could be herd, riding further away from me. 

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