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Hey all you wonderful readers! 

I'm so sorry this took so long to come out, I've had a few problems with my laptop and I got really frustrated! I'm sorry but please enjoy this new chapter and hope that my laptop is better now...

With Love, 



Reader's P.O.V 

The day after that horrible outburst of mine totally shut up the rest of the world; ignoring everyone, never bothering to eat, stay up late leading to drowsiness during class and constant lectures as well as detentions from my teachers.I was kept being sent to the nurse's office and slept on the beds countless times for me to be able to function properly the rest of the day. I didn't really care about my state of mind...I felt betrayed and now I'm hurt beyond the things that I can't even imagine possible, I have this endless nagging in my head every time I enter the empty kitchen; with mum and dad always gone on business trips, there was no one to stop the gruesome thoughts that crossed my mind every time I saw the kitchen knife though when I even attempt on doing self-harming, an image of my best friend, angel, flashed in my mind and it instantly made me think of how she'd react to me doing this to myself, which would be to start lecturing me just like the motherly figure she is when it comes to friends. I would eventually feel a stinging, burning pain at the corners of my eyes and end up on the floor, tears staining my cheeks. I hated it how she's had such a big affect on the way I think and live my life ever since I've met her through, moving up to high school. I was the new and from a different school, I was my depressed, tomboy self back then too. We were assigned into partners to tour the school for the first portion of form time in which I was paired up with Angel, She made a very interesting first impression, telling jokes, always hyper and crazy yet kind and sweet. We became best friends even though we we're complete opposites.

Everyone found it weird and even though Angel knew it would ruin her image of being part of the popular crowd to hang out with me, she still did and resulted in my predictions exactly. She was down graded to a nerd, with no sense of style and crazy antics, though again, she didn't seem to mind; saying that it was who she was and letting them win in the argument of her position in the social ladder. I can still remember the day I tried to talk her out of hanging out with me, thinking that it was best if she did so...

~ Flashback ~

" You need to stop hanging out with me Angel!" I cried as we sat underneath our favorite tree. 

" Huh? Why? Don't you want to be friends anymore?" she asked, giving me a pained look, momentarily stopping her actions on eating her packed lunch.

" It's not that! You're image will get ruined if we continue hanging out!" I reasoned, trying my best to stop her from ruining the rest of her high school life.

" Why would it though?" she asked, simply clueless as to why and so I need to make her understand! 

" Because, I'm a nobody! You're a somebody! Somebody that can actually survive her or his teenage years..." 

" Of course you're somebody (Y/N) you're my best friend!" 

" To them, I'm nobody and if you hang out with me all your friends would leave you and-" 

" If they really are my friends then they wouldn't leave because of you, all I need is a true friends that will be by my side through everything and that special friend is you! I am not leaving you, popularity means nothing to me...now..." I stared at her in disbelief, never realizing the tears trailing down my face, " LET'S EAT!!!" she cried biting into her sandwich as I giggled, continuing to eat my own packed lunch. Feeling a tissue press against my cheek, I faced Angel to find her being the one to wipe my tears away.

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