His Little Sister Chapter Three

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Blake's pov
I am seeing Brandon come around the corner. From where he had went and talked to Bethany.

"She said she's fine. She said that there's no need to worry" He says as he went and sat down on the couch next to his brother.

"Thanks man." I say

"Hey it's no problem. I mean I can keep an eye on her at school. I mean I know you'd do the same for Hunter." He says.

"Yeah I would" I say

We turned the PS3 on and played "Mortal Combat" old game, but a great game. Then my mom came through the door. She made diner and the guys got to stay the night again.


Bethany's pov
I am at my locker with Chelsy when Brandon walks up.

"Hey how is your day going?" He asks

"It's fine" I say as I saw Samantha coming down the hall.

"I'll see you guys later I got to get to gym" I say as I took off running. When I got through the door I tripped and hit my face on the floor. I heard laughing I looked up to see Samantha.

"Awe you tripped yourself so that I wouldn't have to. Ha that's so sweet of you Bethany I didn't even have to do anything." she says laughing at me.

I stood to my feet when I did she pushed me and I fell hitting my head on the bleachers. We aren't fully inside the gym. So no one can basically see what she's doing to me. I stood back up and she kicked me in my stomach where my bruise is. I winced out in pain when I hit my head on the fire extinguisher.

She left me laying there. She walked off laughing at me. I didn't want to go all the way into the gym. So I hid behind the bleachers until class was over.

When the bell rang I ran down the hall. Chelsy met me halfway down the hall. I grabbed my English stuff and headed to lunch.

As I got through the door someone poured something all over me. I ran my hand through my hair and smelled my hand. Someone had poured soda in my hair. I started to cry.

"Awe is the little baby going to go crying to her mommy?"  Samantha says as the twins laughed.

"No I'm not" I say and walk past them. I didn't bother getting my lunch. I just went and sat in the far corner in the back and laid my head in my arms and cried.

Blake's pov

I am in English with Hunter and we're goofing off. Since the teachers don't know what to do with us. So they just send of us to the office. We stepped through the office door laughing and we bumped into my cousin Taylor. She's friends with some girl in the middle school I don't remember her name. She's popular in the middle school.

"Hey Blake" she says as I sit down next to Hunter.

"Hey Taylor" I say looking up at her cause she's standing up.

"Still getting into trouble I see" she says shaking her head at Hunter and me.

"Hey do you think that Brandon's keeping an eye on Bethany in lunch?" I ask Hunter

"Yeah. I'm sure he is." He tells me as he looks out the window.

"Alright you two I'll see you in science" she says as she walks out the door. We laughed again.

"Alright you two I don't want to see you in here again alright" we hear our principal Mrs Evans say to us.

"Yes ma'am" we say

"Alright go back to class and I don't want to see you in here again" she says as we get up and leave the office. As soon as we stepped out the door we started laughing again. We headed down the hall back to English right when the bell rang. We grabbed our stuff and headed to history.

His Litle Sister ×Blake Gray× Where stories live. Discover now