His Little Sister Chapter Twenty-Seven

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One Month Later

Blake's pov
Well it's been a moth since Brandon and Bethany's first date and they're still together. For their one month anniversary Brandon is taking her to the beach for a romantic diner. Yeah.

I'm glad they're together. Why? They've been crazy for eachother for years. I see my little sister walk into the living room from the kitchen.

"Hey do you know where Brandon is taking me tonight?" She asks me while buttoning the last button on her flannel.

"Now I can't tell you that it'll ruin the surprise Bethany" I tell her as she pouts. I love her she means everything to me.

As Brandon came through the door with Hunter and Ashton he pecked Bethany on the lips. She smiled and hugged Hunter and Ashton.

"You ready baby?" Brandon asks her

"As I'll ever be" she says as she picks up her bag which Brandon took from her.

"Alright you guys we're off we'll see you all at the restraunt." Brandon says as Bethany looks at him confused.

They left and I looked at Hunter.

"So what does he have planned for the two of them at the beach?" I ask them

"He has a picnic set up already down there" Ashton says

"When are you gonna get a girlfriend?" Hunter asks him

"Don't want one I like hanging with the guys" he says hugging us.

We hugged him back when Cameron came through the door with that Matt kid.

"Hey you guys remember Matt." He says as Jacob popped up out of nowhere.

"Yeah hey man how you been?" I ask him

"I've been alright and I told Bethany everything would work out between her and the guy she told me and my friends about" he says

"How do you know Cameron?" Hunter asks him

"We have known each other for a long time he used to make vines and you tube videos with me and my friends. Then he moved here and we haven't really seen each other since then" he tells us

"That's cool and thanks for taking care of my sister" i say

"Its no problem." He says

The Beach

Bethany's pov
I am stepping onto the sandy beach with Brandon. Its so empty here. There is literally like no one here. We continued to walk when we came to a stop in front of a picnic basket. Brandon sat down our things and pulled me close to him.

"Happy One Month babygirl" he says while he pecks my nose. I scrunched it up and he laughed.

"Your so cute Bethany" he says gazing into my eyes.

"Awe well you know what?" I ask him as we sit down.

"What?" He says

"You are just as cute as me" I say as he smiled at me.

"Awe well I brought your favorite if you want it" he says

"Of course I want it, but what did you mean by we'll see you at the restraint before we left" i ask him

His Litle Sister ×Blake Gray× Where stories live. Discover now