His Little Sister Chapter Five

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Bethany's pov
I am in English with Chelsy and Brandon oh yeah and of course with little Ms. Perfect. I was doing my work when I look over at Brandon and he hands me a piece of paper that says-

"Hey gorgeous I'm going to the park by your house after school. If you want to go you can. It'll just be the two of us just let me know"

I smiled and looked over at Brandon and nodded telling him yes. He smiled and went back to doing his work when the bell rang. I got up and grabbed my stuff and was walking out of class. On my way out Samantha tripped me. She walked past me laughing.

Brandon's pov
Samantha just tripped Bethany and I don't know why.

"Why'd she do that?" I ask as Chelsy helped her up

"Don't worry about it it's no big deal" she tells me

"Of course it's a big deal your getting bullied" I say

"Just leave it alone alright please" she says

"Oh my god Bethany your nose is bleeding and so is your lip" Chelsy says.

"No big deal same shit happens everyday." She says

She walked out and luckily I caught up to her.

"Bethany why didn't you tell me about you getting bullied?" I ask her

"Cause it's no big deal Brandon and just let it go please" she tells me when Samantha walks up to her.

"Hey loser how you been?" She asks her

Bethany didn't answer she just looked at her.

"Hey loser I asked you a question" she says to her

"Hey just leave her alone Samantha" I say

"Look Rowland stay out of this" she says to me

"Look Samantha just because your popular doesn't mean that you can walk around making people feel like they don't matter" I say to her

"Look Rowland I don't make everyone feel like they don't matter. I only make little Ms. Bethany here feel like she doesn't matter" she says laughing.

Blake's pov
I am in lunch right now with the guys. We're just goofing off and making jokes. Having teachers tell us to calm down. We were laughing when Mark walked up to our table. He's cool he's on the basketball team with us. He's the point guard. Anyway he came up to the table and he said-

"Hey Blake the teacher told me to come tell you and Hunter that Bethany and Brandon are in the office" he says as Hunter and I look away. We got up from the table while Mark was walking away.


Blake's pov
Hunter and I are stepping into the middle school office to see Brandon holding an ice pack up to his eye. We also see a girl sitting three seats down holding an ice pack on her knuckles. As I turned to look at Bethany I see that she isn't holding an ice pack up to anything.

"What happened?" Hunter asked his little brother

"Nothing" he says

"Don't lie to me Brandon you know you can always come to me for anything. I'm your big brother that's what I'm here for" Hunter says to Brandon

"Hey Samantha" I hear my cousin Taylor say

"Hey Taylor" she says

Oh so she's the popular girl that's in the middle school.

"So what happened?" I hear Hunter ask Brandon again

"I...got...in a fight" he says

"Why? With who?" He asked

Brandon pointed over at the girl.

"Why Brandon?" He asks him

"I swear to god if you tell him" Bethany says before Brandon could say anything.

"Tell me what?" Hunter asks his little brother.

"She was picking on Bethany" he says

"So you got in a fight with Samantha?" Hunter says he remembered her name fast.

"She was going to hit her and I got in the way and she punched me" He says. That explains why she's holding an ice pack on her knuckles.

"Should I even bother asking?" I ask my little sister.

She just looked up at me.

"Oh my God it's Blake Gray" the girl said

"Hey" I say as I gave her a little wave.

"Uh why are you talking to her?" Samantha ask me

"Cause she is "His Little Sister" hensefore her last name being Gray" Brandon says before I can say anything.

Her mouth fell a gape and she just looked at us for a moment before looking back down.

"So what's going on? Why are you two in here for besides fighting?" Hunter says

"Don't you dare say anything Brandon" Bethany says

"She's been-" Chelsy cut him off as she came through the door.

"She's been getting bullied since the being of the year and she didn't want you to make a big deal out of it"

Bethany glared up at her bestfriend and looked at me with her sad grey orbs.

"Why didn't you tell me Bethany? I'm your big brother you know that you can come to me for anything Its what I'm here for" I tell her as I kneel down in front of her since she was sitting down.

"Cause I didn't want you to worry and make a big deal" she tells me

"Bethany he has a right to know he's your brother" Brandon says to her.

"I told you to stay out of it Brandon" she says to him with an angry tone.

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