Chapter 2

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"When the music changes find the partner of your dreams!" yells the dance instructor.  For the past five minutes we have been dancing in a train. Breaking off she goes straight for my dad and I end up with a lovely grandma.  I've never been a dancer but I am having fun. Once the lesson is over we eat a light lunch in our cabin. While my mom helps my sister unpack I decide to explore.

"I'm going to take a walk.  I'll be back before dinner," I yell as I run out of the cabin.

This place is gorgeous.  Everything is lush and green.  The weather is nice for a June day in Indiana.  The humidity isn't off the charts and there's a pleasant breeze.  I choose the walking path that will take me around to all the cabins before hitting the hotel.  I told myself that I will come out to my parents on this trip. I don't want to go to college with it hanging over my head and I'm hoping to find a boyfriend while I'm there.  I'm not ashamed of being gay. I came out to my sister when I was fifteen but I had asked her to keep it from our parents. I'm scared of disappointing them. My mom has talked about me one day getting married and having kids since I was little.  My dad spouts how I will keep the Handler name alive. I do want to get married one day and have kids but I won't be going the traditional route. I pray that they will be able to accept that.

When the hotel comes into view I head inside to check it out.  Most of the guests must be getting ready for dinner because the place is pretty deserted.  Walking by the dining room I spot Mr. Palmilla talking with the wait staff. As I slow down to eavesdrop I snort at what I am hearing.

"You aren't just here to serve food.  Flirt with the daughters, even the ugly ones.  Remember to keep it clean. I'm not running a brothel."

Flirt but don't touch.  Sure...

I start to leave when a fairly big group of guys move into the room led by the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life.  The short sleeve black shirt is showing off muscled arms, his dark hair is falling into his eyes, and the smirk on his face is devastating.

"Got that guys," he says as they come fully into the room.

"Nice of you to finally show up Jagger," Mr. Palmilla says moving closer to the younger man.  "I expect you and Pippa to be out on the dance floor tonight impressing our guests into wanting dance lessons.  Dance lessons are the only thing they are paying for so keep your hands off when not on the dance floor!"

"You hear that Jagger keep your hands off," one of the waiters goads once Mr. Palmilla exits the room.

"Just worry about where you place your pickle and leave the hard stuff to me," Jagger says knocking over several napkins as he turns to leave.

I watch him disappear before heading back to our cabin.  

"I hope you brought some dress clothes because dinners here are formal," my sister says as soon as I walk in the door.

I shrug.  I didn't pack anything fancy but knowing my mom she packed some decent clothes for me.

"Don't worry I have him covered."  A half hour later we are seated at one of the dining tables digging into the best damn food I have ever eaten.  They serve it family style and I plan on making a dent in this delicious spread.

"Where do you put all that food?" Laila wonders as I fill my plate for thirds.  I have been asked that several times before. I'm barely 5'4 and fairly slim. I was told I have a high metabolism but I run every morning just in case that isn't really true.  My love for food has no end and I don't mind exercising to keep my lean frame.

"I hope you are enjoying your dinner," Mr. Palmilla says as he approaches with that waiter I had seen earlier.  "This is Aaron and he will be taking care of you tonight. He is a med student working here during summer break."

"Oh wonderful.  What school are you in?" my mom asks.

"University of Chicago, ma'am."

"Baby will be heading off to UCLA in the fall to study law."

"What about you Laila?" Mr. Palmilla asks.

"I'm studying fashion design in New York."

"She plans on decorating the whole world," I tease.

"She already does," Aaron says under his breath.  My sister's smile is huge. I will admit that Aaron is nice to look at but he doesn't hold a candle to that Jagger guy.

"Riley, come here sweetheart and meet the Handlers," Mr. Palmilla says with a wave of his hand towards a pretty girl around my age.  "This is my granddaughter, Riley. She's going to take over for me one day."

"Grandpa!" she scolds with a giggle. "It's nice to meet you.  If you will excuse us Grandpa has to announce the dancing." I catch the once over she gives me before they walk away.  I have a feeling she is going to end up sorely disappointed.

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