Chapter 7

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Standing in the dressing room at the Drake Hotel I barely recognize myself. I'm wearing a long flowy black dress complete with a padded bra. It is strange having boobs. Pippa picked a chin length brunette wig for me to wear and made up my face. I look damn fine as a girl if I do say so myself.

"Wow Baby. Your parents wouldn't even recognize you," Pippa comments doing one last check on my appearance.

"Five minutes," a man says popping in and out of the room.


As I'll ever be.

I'm nervous as hell but I calm as soon as I see Jagger waiting for me. As we get into position Jagger whispers in my ear, "You look beautiful Baby, but I like the real you the best."

Underneath the makeup I know my cheeks are red. Once again kissing my nose I'm able to refrain from laughing as we smoothly begin dancing. The rest of my nerves melt away as I let the music flow through me. When the last note fades away I know I've done my very best and I'm confident that Jagger and Pippa will get the job. I'm not prepared for the thunderous applause or the standing ovation. I give a curtsy before we leave the stage.

"That was amazing!" Pippa shouts when we reach her. "You did so good Baby! Thank you so much."

"I'm going to get changed."

"Me to."

Once back in the dressing room Jagger pulls me into a hug.

"You didn't have to help us and you did anyway. Thank you, Baby." Leaning back slightly he pulls the wig off letting it drop to the floor. I look at him in confusion.

"I was going to wait until you were back to you but I can't wait any longer," he whispers before covering my lips with his.

Oh...I'm glad he couldn't wait either.

I sink into the kiss blocking the rest of the world out. I have been crushing on this man so hard and I'm trying to process the fact the crush might be mutual. He wouldn't kiss me if it isn't, right?

"Stop thinking and just feel, Baby," Jagger whispers.

I am overthinking but this is my first kiss. Is it wrong to hope that it means something? Even if I never see him again I want this kiss to mean something.

"Sorry to interrupt..."

We break apart finding my sister standing in the doorway.

"You were phenomenal Baby! I'm so proud of you," my sister squeals giving me a hug.

"You actually came."

"Of course I did. I wouldn't have missed it."

"What did you tell mom and dad?" I wonder.

"Nothing. They were gone before I left."

"Has this what you have been doing disappearing on us these last few days?"

"Dad?!" Where did he come from and why is he here?

"Mr. Palmilla gave your mother and I tickets to dinner and a show. Imagine my surprise when I find that the show is my son dressed as a woman," he growls.

So much for what Pippa claimed earlier. Apparently my parents can recognize me in this getup.

"I'm not sure I understand, Baby. Laila used to dress you up when you were young but I never thought that you liked it. Do you identify as a woman sweetheart?" My mom whispers.

"No, mom. I'm just helping a friend out today."

"'am your son was gracious enough to step in for Pippa after her injury. Baby saved us. You should be proud of the kind man you have raised," Jagger explains.

"So this was your idea? I don't appreciate you taking advantage of my eighteen year old son. I could report you for this," my dad says.

"No! Jagger hasn't done anything wrong," I protest taking a hold of Jagger's arm.

"Wash that gunk off your face and change your clothes. We will be waiting in the car," my father orders leaving with my mother.

"I'll talk to him," my sister says running after them.

"Unzip me," I tell Jagger quietly.

As I put on my clothes I brush Jagger off when he tries to comfort me. All he will succeed in doing is making me cry. I've been wanting to come out but this exact moment wasn't what I ever practiced in my head.

"I have to go." I walk out before he can say anything else. Getting into the backseat with my sister the atmosphere is tense. Laila takes my hand giving me the courage to blurt, "I'm gay."

"What? Since when," my father shouts.

"Birth," I mutter under my breath before giving a louder answer. "Fifteen."

"Why didn't you say something, Baby?" My mom asks.

"It was never the right time. I was afraid you would be disappointed."

"I am disappointed, Baby. You aren't the man I thought you were."

My heart sinks into my stomach at my father's words.



"I'm disappointed in you too daddy," I whisper before bolting from the car. There is no holding back my tears now. I run and don't stop until I reach the staff cabins. Stumbling up the stairs I knock before I can talk myself out of it.

"Baby. Come in," Jagger says pulling me into the room. Taking a good look at my face he wipes the tears away with his thumbs. "Your father not take it well?"

I look down at my feet shaking my head. Gently he lifts my head up so he can see me.

"What you did was very brave."

"Brave? I'm not brave. Brave would have been telling them three years ago. I was scared that their opinion of me would change. I don't want them hating me for being true to myself."

"Listen closely, Baby. You are brave. Plus kind hearted, strong, sweet, and cute," Jagger says sincerely.

"I don't feel brave. Right now all I feel is fear," I confess.

"What are your fears, Baby?"

"That I'll walk out of here without going after what I really want," I say inching closer to him.

"What's that?" he murmurs close to my ear.


I can feel him smile against my neck before placing soft kisses on my skin. The music playing in the background changes to a slow song. "Dance with me?" I whisper.


I nod. I want to dance with him as myself. Just the two of us. His answer is to take me into his arms. I don't know if I would call what we are doing at the moment as dancing. We are swaying together to the music and it's perfect. If clothes started to come off as we swayed and endless kisses and caresses were given...well I will never tell.

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