The First Day Fiasco

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It was Misaki's first day of high school. Her alarm clock blared loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood. She wasn't exactly what you call "excited" for high school. She scrambled off her cot to her feet and slapped on her Susaki High uniform. It was 7:30. "I'm gonna be late!"

She grabbed her headphones and an apple before dropping out of her loft-home in the grand oak tree to the ground below. She ran down the hill and onto "Susaki Street" as fast as her feet could carry her. Ding! The bell rung and she was late.

Misaki ran through the halls to the last classroom on the third floor hallway. The door read "Room 307 Martial Arts".

"Ah, class this is our new student Misaki Otari," the teacher announced in a booming voice. "Now everyone pair up and begin practicing your kicks while I take this important phone call In Room 287."

Before she knew it, Misaki was the only one without a partner, or so she thought. 'Stupid teacher,' she thought. She wasn't even seated. She slowly walked to the back of the room. Standing there was a handsome man with bright orange hair and a devilish smile.

"So we're partners," she said in her usually cocky voice.

"Yeah, I guess so," said the boy with a big huff. "I'm Kyo. So, are we gonna fight or sit here?"

"Fine let's see what you got, carrot top!"

Kyo threw a couple kicks, but they either missed or went over her head.

Misaki was getting impatient, she threw a kick that hurled Kyo to the ground.

Kyo's temper rose, "Why I oughta.. " Kyo missed and kicked Misaki in the face.

She tumbled to the ground in a heap, her left cheek streamed tears of blood. A tear rolled down her face.

Kyo's face went white and a chill trickled up his spine. Kyo crouched down beside her. Misaki looked up slowly as blood droplets rolled down her face, one by one.

"Hey, look.. I'm.. sorry. There? Happy?! I said I'm sorry and it was an accident, but you started it by kicking me to the ground!"

Misaki looked him in the eyes now, holding her face. There was so much anger in his eyes, yet still there was sincerity in his words. The bell rang and class was over. The two stood there silently for a long while. Then Misaki spoke, "I'll talk to you later then. I'm going to go eat my lunch in peace."

She stopped at her locker and grabbed her apple and rice balls she had prepared the day before. She needed to think, so she climbed the fire escape ladder to the roof to eat and watch the sky. As soon as she finished, she heard the fire escape hatch open and Kyo climbed onto the roof.

"Oh, you again," Kyo said, looking away.

Misaki was confused by his words. She did not see them as enemies, she, well, saw them as partners in class.

"Rematch?" Misaki cheeped in an unusually overly peppy tone. "A rematch, from this morning, like a fight. Just for fun."

Kyo faced her now with that devilish smile of his on his face. "Only if you're not afraid to loose."

Misaki took her stance, she was trying very hard not to let her excitement burst into a million pieces. Kyo signaled and the fight was on. Watching them would have been fun but, though neither of them were telling of it, they much rather preferred being alone.

Kyo threw the first punch, missing by her swift avoidance. Then she was ready to show her true potential, usually unwanted material for class. She threw three quick sly punches to the abdomen and a stunning foot sweep to the legs, knocking him off balance.

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