Are They Together?!

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Misaki slowly awakened. 'Wait where the hell am I?!' She thought. 'Oh right..' Misaki slowly recapped the previous day in her head. 'So I'm living with Kyo now..'

Misaki slowly made her way to the closet before putting on her uniform and picking up her phone. "Shit!" She yelled. "It's 7:53! I'm going to be late!" 'Why the hell didn't anyone wake me up?!' She thought. 'No wait.. why the hell did I forget to grab my alarm clock!'

Misaki grabbed her bag, stuffing Kyo's clothes in it that she had worn the night before before storming out of her room quickly running to the kitchen, grabbing an apple before running out the door. 'I wonder where Kyo is..' she thought. 'Wait.. Kyo?!' Misaki quickly ran inside before banging on Kyo's door.

"Kyo! It's 7:55! Wake the hell up!" "Shit! Why the hell didn't Shigure or Yuki wake me up?!" She heard Kyo yell back. "I don't know but they didn't wake me up either, now hurry up! We have 5 minutes to get to class! "I'm coming, just wait out there would ya?!" "Fine, but if I'm late it's all on you carrot top!"

Misaki waited nervously in the living room before Kyo slowly emerged. "You ready?" She called out. "Yeah, just let me read this note on the table real quick." "No time." Misaki yelled before quickly grabbing Kyo's hand and running out the door. "What the hell Misaki!" Kyo yelled. "Do you wanna be late?!" "Well no but.." "Then let's go!" Misaki yelled before taking off running practically dragging Kyo by the hand.

They had arrived in the school just in time for the bell to ring. Everyone was staring. The two stood there holding hands, their clothes disheveled and hair messy, panting for breath.

"This way," Misaki yelled before hauling Kyo up the steps to their martial arts class."

"We made it," Misaki panted, still slightly out of breath from all the running. "Yeah, we did." Kyo huffed. "So partners?" "Yeah, sounds good." Kyo said slightly panting. "Y-You can let go of my hand now by the way.." he whispered a slight blush tinting his cheeks. "Oh right, sorry!" Misaki quickly let go before blushing as well. Before she could say anything more the teacher appeared, voice blaring. "Alright class, today we are working on the same thing as yesterday. Everyone pair up and begin practice!"

"Is he always this loud?" Misaki sighed. "Yeah, he never knows when to shut up," Kyo chuckled. "Alright! Punch time!" Misaki cheered before punching Kyo in the chest. "Hey! I totally wasn't ready!" "I know," Misaki chuckled. "I'll get ya for that!" Kyo yelled back. "Catch me of ya can!"

Misaki then began dodging Kyo left and right. "Slow down would ya?! It's kinda hard to practice punches when your target is a freaking cyclone." Kyo mumbled. Misaki giggled, "Kyo is slowww" Misaki cheered in a sing-song voice. "Oh yeah? Take this!" Kyo nailed Misaki in the chest. "Ouch, right in the tit!" Misaki squeaked. "O-oh right, sorry about that.." Kyo muttered apologetically, scratching the back of his neck, the tips of his ears turning red. "Well played carrot top.. Well played.."

Misaki adjusted her stance before punching Kyo in the chest. "No breaks okay? Let's fight!" Kyo then got into position before the two continued punching each other back and forth. "You're pretty good you know," Kyo stated. "You're not so bad yourself carrot top" she responded. "Do you have to call me that?" Kyo groaned, "It's so annoying!" "It's fun!" Misaki cheaped. "Then how about if I call you frosty? Your hair is all white-ish blue." Kyo mused. "Whatever floats your boat carrot top," Misaki responded, not the slightest bit fazed. "You're not going to stop with that are you..?" He mumbled. "Not a chance," she laughed. "Fine, just cool it a bit would ya frosty?" "Maybe I'll be nice today.. for you at least," she mused. "How kind.." "Truly.." she responded.

The two continued on like this until the lunch bell rang. Before they walked out into the hallway together heading towards the roof for lunch.

"Oh right! Before I forget, here are your clothes from yesterday." Misaki yelled before pulling them out of her bag and handing them to him. "I'll wash them for you tonight if you want, but I thought you wanted them back right away. You were pretty keen on getting me out of them last night so I thought I'd give em back right away." "T-thanks.." Kyo muttered before pushing them into his bag. "No problem," she stated. "They're pretty comfy actually, maybe I'll steal them again sometime.." Before Kyo had a chance to respond an upperclassman yelled out to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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