A Strange Offer

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"Well basically this all started when I was a little girl. Me and my dad used to take walks in the woods here everyday and he would train me in martial arts. One day he took me to the woods and told me he had a surprise. We went to the spot we normally train, close to the spot where Yuki found me, and when I looked up, I noticed that there in the big oak tree was a large treehouse."

Misaki swallowed hard scared of saying what was coming next.

"Anyways, we spent the next few days furnishing it with things such as a small cot and table before he even installed a little solar powered generator and set up some lighting and things for me. He wanted to create me a little safe space of my own that I could come to whenever I wanted and.."

Misaki choked up a bit.

"A-and well, when my dad died in a car crash, I could no longer afford to keep the house, and since I didn't have any other family I.. I d-decided to move into the little tree house, and I have been living there ever since."

Misaki took a deep breath. She had never told the story to anyone before, and telling it to two nearly strangers was hard. She felt like crying, but she held her tears back.

"Miss, have you really been on your own all this time living in the treehouse?" Yuki asked quite solemnly.

"Y-yes.. I-I'm sorry I-I had no idea that these woods were private I swear! If you give me some time I can try to find another place of my own but it would take me awhile and I.. I.."

"Miss please calm down. It's okay," Yuki said before quietly placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "We don't mind that you have been living on our land all these years."

Shigure then took both her hands in his. "Yes please dear, we don't mind at all! You poor thing.. we just want to make sure you're okay!" He gently squeezed her hands. "What if you were to live here with us? We have a spare room, and we could always use another pair of hands to help with things such as cooking. I am quite terrible at it you see, and about all Yuki can make is rice and stew." He chuckled lightly before looking into her eyes.

"Please, please consider my offer."

"I-is it really okay? I-I don't want to intrude or anything.. I mean we've only just met!"

He squeezed her hands once again.

"Please, It doesn't matter if we've just met. We would love to have you stay, and if you don't like it you can always move out again, okay?"

"I-I.. Okay. Thank you so much!" Misaki shouted. Misaki quickly stood up before giving Shigure a hug. Shortly after before Misaki could pull away Kyo suddenly appeared in the doorway and stopped.

"Wait, what is she doing here?! And why are you hugging her Shigure?! How many times do we have to tell you not to hit on high school girls?!"

He paused.


"Oh Kyo~ Meet your new sister~" Shigure chimed, quickly letting go of Misaki.

"S-sister?! What the hell did you do Shigure?! And you! Why are you with him?!"


"He means roomate," Yuki quickly corrected. "Miss Otari will be living with us for the time being you see." Yuki quickly explained the situation to Kyo before Kyo shouted.

"Do I get no say in this!? I don't want her to live here! And hey! Gimme back my clothes would ya?!"

"If that's what you really want.." Misaki responded before slowly lifting her shirt.

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