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Jetbike asked: Where do you get the art you use for your covers?

To be honest, I'm not much of an artist. My father is a professional muralist and my sister is very gifted at hands on crafts. I've never really had a gift for it myself, instead finding that my talents lie within the martial arts and music. Thus, the art that I use for the covers of my stories aren't my own. The process I use to create my cover art is as follows. I pull images from the internet and download them to my computer. I then use the software to edit the pictures. Editing the pictures includes cropping them to the proper size so that they present the proper image on Wattpad, as well as overlaying text with the name of the story, the pairing, and my pen name, A Story Without Words. Depending on the image, I may edit the image further, whether that be color grading or adding additional shading. This is to help make the overlaid text more visible.

In general, the image used will show who the reader will be paired with. There will be occasions however, such as with the Male Reader x Summer Rose/Cinder Fall story, where I use an alternate image, as there is no one person that is specified, and rather an option.

I personally feel that a good cover presented in a professional manner is more likely to attract readers, as opposed to grainy images, stock photos with no title, or images that pertain little to the story. When I first started writing a few months ago, I just uploaded plain images, but after a while I became more invested and began adding the title and my pen name.

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