59th Monthsary Message to Park Yun Hwa

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59th Monthsary Message to Park Yun Hwa

September 25, 2014

Dearest Park Yun Hwa,

Halu! How have you been? I haven't heard anything from you for ages. Yunno, I haven't checked your Twitter as well for a long time. But I never forget you. Don't chu worry I will check on you soon. I have been missing you. Did you miss me too? T^T

There are times that I shed tears because I can't imagine I've moved on. Is it really? Well, deep inside me I know it is just a lie. I really can't forget how crazy I was about you before. You are my first love! Like seriously! It's really funny to think that I still long to be with you. I mean, I still love you after all. I think it's true, first love never dies. Though you aren't famous nor active in the industry but your face suddenly registers in my mind. Your face vividly living inside me from your long hair till you had your army cut when you were in the army two years ago.

I have been missing your voice, your angelic face, and your sweet smile. Today is our 4 years and 11th monthsary if we haven't split up (divorce). Those past beautiful years have been memorable and unforgettable. I learned how to love an idol that would never love me back (when we talk about reality) and didn't know that I exist. I'm one of those crazy fans. I daydreamed of you before, missing all those playful imaginations that would come true.

Can we still celebrate our 5th anniversary? For Pete's sake, we are still lovers now. Though we aren't married anymore. I'm not your wife and you aren't my husband no longer. But I'm gonna say the truth that I still love you. It's just that this other man caught and won my heart incredibly (it isn't proper to say his name here). I chose him over you which the fact that I didn't regret. I want you to know that I'm still grateful that for 4 years you have been faithful to me. Though it hurt me real bad when you were enlisted in the army before. But you know what's good about it? I have learned to wait for you. Then there came a piece of very saddening and hurtful news, TMAX has disbanded. The first Kpop group that I've been supporting and crazy with. Nevermind and forget the drama now because I was extremely happy when I watched the videos of your concert with Minchul in Japan after being discharged from the military. I was like, "Oh my gosh, Kim Joon where are you? Look! My two boys are performing and you are the one who is missing!"

You know what? I'm praying that someday you will be active again and the group. Sing to some OSTs of Kdramas again, participates on shows, and maybe act? Ahahaha. Like seriously, I think you are a good actor. Lastly, good luck with your life now. Don't forget that I'm still here for you.

PS: I'm gonna tweet you soon~

Your ex-wife now girlfriend,

Yuchae Moon

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