Chapter 5 ~ A Coward

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~ Chapter 5 ~

I scowled as the moon was high, reflecting off of those stupid little water pools on each side of the platform leading to his throne.

My feet were planted firm staring across from it. I doubt I looked imitating by doing so, but I tried.

Thanks to all the ninja training Splinter gave me, I felt every presence in the room. One of his special lessons he gave me.

'One must always know their surroundings,' his voice rang inside my head. 'Use it to your advantage.'

I did. I knew the sides on the rooms could ignite to flames, Shredder had to room designed dark so he could use sneak attacks from the shadows. The skylight was high above me, easy entrance, hard exit.

A tingle shot up my spine when I realize the room no longer had one person, me, inside of it. It now held two.

"Konichiwa, father." I said out loud.

Nothing. Was the presence off? No, he was in here, but didn't want me to hear nor see him.

The quiet sound of a blade being unsheathed snapped me out of a trance I hadn't realized was on me.

I jumped aside as his steel claws smashed into the ground where I was standing.

"Still got that 'I want you dead' thing?" I asked as the claws retracted.

He stepped out of the shadows, his posture made it seem like he owned the world. His purple cape rippled behind his steel samurai amour. The Kuro Kabuto was on his head, covering his half burned face. The scar he'll never forget for destroying Splinter's life and stealing Tang Shen's future.

My scowl deepened. "I'm not here to fight."

Faster then my eyes could register, his steel claws shot out, and a cutting sound was heard.

I flinched as I saw the ropes fall to the ground.

"If I had wanted to fight," his deep, gravel voice boomed, "you would be already dead."

"Comforting." I murmured and rubbed my wrists.

"Why did you come here? I know you did not get captured." His tone was calm, but yet uneasy.

I didn't meet his eyes. "I wanted to..." How would I say this? I wanted to kill him? I took a deep breath. "I want to burry the hatchet."

He narrowed his eyes.

"To put out the fire you've been tending for the fifteen years." I looked into his face. "To end everything."

"Nonsense." He snapped and pushed past me.

I stumbled and clenched my fists. "Nonsense?! What do you mean 'nonsense'?! You're my father! You have to understand!"

He turned around so quick, his face only an inch from mine. "Do you think things can end, Nikoretto? Nothing will change. Your mother will remain dead, as well Tang Shen. Karai will still be a--."

"Miwa." I snapped. "Her name is Miwa. And she's a mutant because of you."

He smacked me in the stomach and sent me sprawling. I coughed and spatted on his floor.

"Do not dare say that name." His voice became very dangerous.

I got up. "Why? 'Cause it reminds you of all the dishonor you brought to yourself? She had a life ahead of her. You stole that." I narrowed his eyes and him. "And don't even speak about my mother and Tang Shen. You killed them both."

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