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A/n: this is the clothes you wear, I know this is a adorable I know it!

After you stopped watching rick and morty you went upstairs and put on your cat union suit with a hoodie that's the clothes you always hear when you're not going anywhere or when you're staying home, sitting on the couch and you were doing some searching on your laptop about alternate universes. You saw a rumor that Toby fox was gonna make Undertale anime coming in 2019 of September 11 but the anime was delayed due to upcoming games for undertale.
Fans wanted to put alternate universes of Undertale to be in the first undertale anime, but toby fox still adding the alternate universes in the show and he added new characters like lizzie and amu and even logaster.
There was a woman around 20 named lissett( she works with Toby fox) who made the characters logaster, lizzie and amu wanted the characters to be in the Game undertale 2. And she told Toby fox about the characters and in early version of the characters they were originally going to be kids or toddlers, she drew them when she around 6 or 7. The early version of them looking like mii characters.

After search through the internet, i saw the news that the people in the park and saw a colorful skeleton walking through the park and causing trouble than it still today. The people Who work in the park either have to build a wall, or have security guards to watched over who was trespassing at night. You very curious why there was a skeleton wandering around the park, You wanted to see if the skeleton who come out at night so you walked out of your house and it was night time no one was here except for a few cars parked.

You walked around the city and when you were about to go in the park when all of a sudden, one of the security guards's guard dogs were barking at you and you suddenly jump and tried to quiet them down.

'' shhhhhh!'' You shushed them.'' Shut up!''

The guard dogs stopped barking as you look around for that colorful skeleton who comes out at the parks, You were about to leave when all of a sudden. The colorful skeleton appears I. Front of you as you startled as you fell down in the ground as you looked at him while huddling in fear.

(Y/n): please! don't hurt me!

The colored skeleton helped you up as he looks at you with his blue and yellow eyes.

Ink! sans: oh, I'm not gonna hurt you! If I hurt you, you will tell the police or damage your health and nobody wants that. You're only a kid.

You were mad when ink assuming you were a little girl, and the truth you were 16! People shouldn't be assuming you're appearances or the way you look.

'' but I'm actually sixteen ink,'' You said and wiped off the dirt from your jacket and look at him with a cute angry look.

'' what are you talking about?'' Ink asked looking very confused,'' You look like you're a preschooler or a kindergartener, you're just assuming you're 16.''

'' nope I'm actually 16,'' You assumed ink,'' You may think I'm little but I'm not.''

innocent loli( Undertale Aus x loli! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora