Chapter 5

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A few weeks later Beca would be in the studio putting the finishing touches to her first single. She'd be hosting a party tonight courtesy of the record label at a venue close to downtown LA that night to celebrate the release of her first single. She'd currently be in the recording booth recording the harmonies for the single.

"Nice Beca, let me work out a few things and then we can listen to it and see if you want to change anything before tonight", her assistant producer Dan would speak into the microphone smiling at Beca in the booth.

"Okay", Beca would take off her headphones before walking out of the booth and sitting on the couch by the desk with all the mixing boards on.

"Yo DJ", Jesse would storm into the room smiling at everyone.

"How the hell did you get in here?", Beca wouldn't bother looking up from her phone smirking to herself as Jesse would then join her on the couch.

"Doesn't matter", he'd nudge her shoulder to get her attention, "What are the plans for tonight?"

"It's at that massive bar downtown", she'd put her phone down turning to face him, "Think it's an open bar as well"

"Nice! What about girls? Is there going to be any girls there tonight?"

"Of course!", she'd sigh now rolling her eyes, "But the boss has said that I can't get with anyone tonight in front of the label"

"Chloe said that?!", Jesse would try and hold in a laugh.

"Yeah, although I bet she takes that dick Tom tonight to the party", she'd get up heading over to the desks to listen to her single.

"Am I sensing some jealousy from you Mitchell over a certain red head", he'd snigger looking at a message on his phone now.

"What?", she'd turn her head to look at him now as she'd pick up the headphones, "Don't be stupid! We're best friends!"

"That means nothing, have you never seen a movie?", he'd go silent straight after saying that realising what he said watching Beca turn to him with a look on her face to make him feel stupid. "That was a stupid question wasn't it?"

"Yes. Now get out of here so I can finish this work! I'll see you tonight at the party", she'd sit down next to Dan putting the headphones back on.

"Alright alright, see you later DJ", he'd pat her shoulder as he'd walk out of the room leaving her to finish her work.


That evening Beca would arrive to the club where the release party was being held with Jesse by her side. She'd take the free champagne that was offered to them at the door and would head over to a table where Richard would be stood with some people.

"Beca! I was wondering when you would get here, congratulations on getting this first single recorded and ready for release so quick", he'd shake her hand and then Jesse's after.

"Thank you sir, the team you put together was amazing. We worked really well together and I'm looking forward to seeing how it does in the charts", she'd smile at him before taking a sip of her champagne, looking around the room to see who else was there.

Beca would be stood at the bar waiting for her drink to be made, she'd turn around to see Jesse flirting with a tall blonde at a table near the door. Behind them she'd then spot Chloe walking in alone wearing a long red dress with heels and light makeup to match with her red hair curled and left down over her shoulders. Beca would quickly order another drink taking them both over to Chloe now who'd be stood at a table looking around the room and at everyone.

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