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{ two days later }

Cayde's POV-
I was mumbling waiting for something to do. All in my head was the name Ace. I smiled to myself thinking about what his smile would look like. I heard a door creak open and I looked to the side to see Ikora and Zavala enter the room.

I smiled and got up and stretched a lot since I've been sitting there for like... ever. "Zavala! Ikora! How are my two favorite people in the world doing? Killed anything lately?" They looked at each other and sighed. That made me worry a little. "Uh... guys you ok? I mean it's a lovely day outside.. heh..." Ikora smiled and walked towards me and patted my head. "Cayde.. just go do your work. You haven't done any work in weeks."

I felt disappointed. I mean.. really?? Work?? "B-but why? I don't want to do work.. it's.. boring." Ikora's smile dropped and that scared me... like a lot. "It's your job as a vanguard to give guardians jobs and do your paper work!" I frowned and mumbled a "you're boring.." and started to walk away slowly to the door and exited.

{no one pov}

Cayde was holding papers while a bunch of hunters were in line waiting for a job to receive. As the hunter he just gave a job to walked away, Taya walked up and smiled. "Well hey there." Cayde looked bored as hell. But he gave a small grin and looked down at the papers. "Hi there Taya. Want a certain job or do you want a challenge?" Her ghost spoke up for her instead. "Well we would like a certain job. Isn't that right Taya?" He knew Taya would pick a challenging job instead of the job she was supposed to do. She frowned and sighed. "Yes.. we would like the whisper job. I need that whisper of the worm.. it looks amazing.." she practically drooled thinking about it.

Cayde chuckled and gave her the quest. "Well good luck out there. And hey. Make sure to not to do it TOO well. Otherwise you're going to make me look ba-" he saw Ikora with a cup of tea talking to Hawthorn. He frowned and looked away. Taya looked at Ikora and back. "What's the matter?" Cayde grumbled trying not to throw the papers everywhere. "How come she gets to relax while I'm here just giving out quests?" Taya sighed and patted his shoulder. "Maybe because she has already done her work. Don't forget, you've been skipping out on yours."

Cayde glared but suddenly smirked when he got an idea. "Taya, how much of a friend am I to you?" Taya was confused and looked at her hands being a little nervous. "You're my best friend.. my favorite. Why?" Cayde wrapped his arm around her shoulders and whispered to her. "I need you to do my job for me.. just for a little while." Taya looked at Cayde like he was an idiot. "Are you fucking kidding me? What could be so important for me to do your job while you're.. I don't know.. beating your meat? Jeez.." 

Cayde facepalmed being a little disappointed. "Ok first, I don't have a dick. Second, I need to.. uh..kill something." Taya tapped her foot against the ground being a little impatient. "Uh huh.. and what's this you need to kill?" The hunter behind Taya yelled at Cayde for his quest. Cayde laughed nervously and gave the quest to the guardian. Taya stepped beside Cayde that way she doesn't have the hunters waiting. Cayde continued passing out quests and sighed. "Ok I'm going to be honest here. It's about Ace. I need to figure out more about him... y'know.. what he looked like. What his personality was.. all that stuff." Taya looked down feeling a little sad for him. "I don't know Cayde. I mean.. if it's for Ace, I understand but what if I get into trouble for doing YOUR work." Cayde passed out another and grumbled being a little impatient. "Yes I understand and if you get caught.. then just.. I don't know. Tell Ikora I felt sick." Her ghost spoke up being a little annoyed. "Cayde.. can you even feel sick?"  Cayde looked at the ghost and frowned. "I can feel pain, right?" The ghost looked away and mumbled. "Idiot.."  Taya gave in and grumbled. "Fine! But you owe me big time. I'm serious!" Cayde smiled and gave her a tight hug. "AH! Thank you. Thank you!!" Taya felt a little embarrassed but secretly enjoyed it. "Ahah.. yes now go do your thing." Cayde smiled and gave her the quests and waved goodbye.

It was a dark room and Cayde had a little flashlight, pointing it at books. "Hmm.. this guy is dumb. Couldn't possibly be my Ace. I'm sure he was a smart, strong, and very handsome boy." Cayde smirked. "He probably got his handsomeness from me." He chuckled to himself and turned the page. He read through every sentence and not a single thing. He sighed and rubbed his face. "Man.. why is it so hard to find something about him?" Suddenly the door was opened and he looked behind him and saw Zavala and Taya. Taya smiled nervously. She was terrified of Zavala. Zavala looked at Cayde being a little disappointed and angry. Cayde unfroze and smiled. "Ayeeee.. Zavala how are yo-"

"Cayde, what the hell are you doing here?" Zavala looked at the books and sighed rubbing his eyes. "Are you serious? About this nonsense again?" Cayde got angry and stomped towards him. "It's not nonsense!! I know he's real!" Zavala looked down. "Cayde, we are guardians. We are not supposed to look into our past.. even if it's fake.." Cayde was shocked. How could Zavala say such a thing. "Wha- what are you saying..?" Zavala looked at Cayde straight in the eyes. "Stop this nonsense. Just give up and do your job." If Cayde wasn't a robot, he would be crying right now. He bumped into Zavala and stomped away. Taya looked at Cayde and was about to follow him but stopped and glared at Zavala. "That was just too far.." she started running towards Cayde and Zavala sighed.

Cayde was outside sitting at the spot where he and Taya usually sit. He heard footsteps behind him and it was Ikora. Ikora looked at the traveler. "Strange.. why is it white? Why not purple?" She said jokingly to lighten the mood but that unfortunately did not happen. She frowned and sat down beside him. "Ignore Zavala.. sometimes he forgets that being guardian can be stressful and you have to have something dear to you." Cayde looked down and his breath started to shake a little. "How could he say that to me..? I mean.. Ace is so important to me.. and him saying that he isn't real just.. hurt." Ikora frowned and got up closing her eyes thinking how ignorant Zavala can be at times. "Well.. it's Zavala we're talking about. He's just.. ignorant at times... and hurtful." Cayde looked up at Ikora and chuckled quietly. "I guess.." Taya walked up and saw Ikora and Cayde together at their spot. She got a little jealous but ignored it. Ikora noticed that Taya was standing behind them and smiled. "Well.. I'll leave you two be." She started walking away back to the tower. 

Taya walked up to Cayde and sat down. She suddenly hugged him starting to tear up a little. "I'm so sorry.. that hurt me hearing him say that.." Cayde smiled and gently hugged her back. "No need to cry. He's probably still upset that he doesn't have hair.." Taya chuckled between her cries and let go of Cayde and started to wipe her tears away. "Yea I guess.. but I want to know.. did you find anything?" Cayde sighed and shrugged. "So far.. no. But maybe the information I need is not in the city.." Taya looked confused. "What do you mean?" Cayde looked eagerly at the traveler and smirked. "Maybe.. just maybe it's on mars." Taya chuckled and closed her eyes. "I don't know why mars but I guess you'll just have to check.."


wOaH. Ok I guess I'm getting a little better BUT I promise it'll get better. UwU

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