Sincerely Me

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(Cringe warning: cringey writing ahead read at your own risk)
"Are you kidding me I love this idea!" Evan cheered at lunch the next day.
"We have to do this!" Alana agreed.
"So you guys are totally on board with this?" Jared asked skeptically. "Because we won't do it unless your absolutely sure."
"Of course we're sure!" Evan threw his arm around Alana. "Jared this is the sweetest thing you've ever thought up. How can we say no?"
Jared grinned at his two friends overly pleased that he'd drug Evan away from Zoe for once.
"Ok but I'm going to need both of you to do it are you prepared?"
"Definitely!" Alana pumped her fist. "Go team Connor!"
Connor who was sitting on the bench next to them smiled.
"Allright." Jared leaned in. "So this is what we're gonna do.
(A short time later)
"So what exactly do you need me to do?" Jared asked powering up his laptop.
"I need you to log into Connor's email and write an email to me pretending to be him."
Jared pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "Why?"
"Well when I told the Murphy's all about how amazing Connor was i kinda told them that me and him used to send emails to each other all the time and they want to see them."
Jared sighed heavily as he logged into his email.
"And how is this supposed to help?" He asked.
"It might get me in better with Zoe and her family."
Jared clicked compose and tried to keep his face free of emotion. Like it didn't bother him that Evan still wanted Zoe.
"What do I say?" He asked his fingers hovering over the keys.
"Just type something." Evan encouraged. So he did talking as he did so.
"Dear Evan Hansen we've been way to out of touch. Things have been crazy and it sucks that we don't talk that much. But is should tell you that I think of you each night. I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight."
Connor burst into a wild fit of laughter while Evan beat Jared on the shoulder.
"Why would you write that?" He whined his face turning red.
"I'm just trying to tell the truth." He laughed and he was. But Evan didn't have to know that.
"This needs to be perfect." Evan argued. "These emails need to be prove that we were actually friends."
He took in Jared's smirk and sighed shoving Jared out of the way. "Just..I'll do it." He erased Jared's sentence and continued."
"I gotta tell ya life without ya has been bad."
"Hard?!" Jared laughed
Evan rolled his eyes and tried again. "Has been bad..."
"Bad?!" Jared chuckled.
"Has been rough." Evan typed furiously.
"Kinky." Jared purred putting a hand on Evans thigh.
Evan pulled away standing up with the laptop on one arm.
"And I miss talking about life and....other stuff." He typed coming up blank.
"Very specific." Jared teased smirking.
"Shut up!" Evan hissed continuing.
"I like my parents."
"Who says that?" Jared aksed with exasperation at Evan's cluelessness.
"I love my parents." Evan corrected.
Jared nodded his approval. "But each days another fight. If I stop smoking drugs then everything might be allright."
Connor blushed and grinned sheepishly while Jared shook his head.
"Smoking drugs?" He prompted. Evan angirly shoved the laptop into his arms. "Just fix it!" He said crossing his arms and sitting down.
"If I stop smoking crack."
"CRACK!" Evan protested. Jared backspaced.
"If I stop smoking pot then everything might be allright. I'll take your advice." Jared looked at Connor. "I'll try to be more nice. I'll turn it around wait and see. Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention." Jared looked at Evan. "It's easy to change if you give it your attention. All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you wanna be sincerely me."
He finished and hit send looking over at Evan. "Are we done yet?" He asked flexing his arm.
"Well we can't just give them one email." Evan began. "I want to show that I was a good friend you know?"
He looked at Jared his eyes full of hope.
Jared considered saying no but seeing Evan's pleading face asking for his help made him open the email again. "Oh my God." He muttered gesturing for Evan to tell him what to type.
"Dear Connor Murphy yes I also miss our talks. Stop doing drugs just try to take deep breaths and go on walks."
"No." Jared said preparing to delete it but Evan smacked his hand away and continued.
"I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees."
"No!" Jared groaned but Evan ignored him.
"You'll be obsessed with all my forest expertise."
"Absolutely not." Jared laughed but he kept going.
"Dude I'm proud of you just keep pushing through your turning around I can see."
"Just wait and see." Jared whispered.
"Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention. It's easy to change if you give it your attention. All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you wanna be sincerely me."
"My sister's not really that hot." Jared continued aloud.
"What the hell?" Evan demanded crossing his arms.
"My bad." Jared said starting over. "Dear Evan Hansen thanks for every note you send."
Evan smiled at him. "Dear Connor Murphy I'm just glad to be your friend."
Jared tossed the laptop to the side and grabbed Evan's arms pulling him to his feet. And they sang together.
"Our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond.
"But not because we're gay." Evan protested pushing Jared away.
"No not because we're gay." Jared said pulling Evan closer.
" We're cloes but not that way. The only man that I love is my dad. The two boys finally let go.
"Well anyway." Connor said.
"Your getting better every day."
"I'm getting better every day keep getting better every day."
"Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention. It's easy to change if you give it your attention. All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you wanna be sincerely."
Jared and Evan hugged.
"Miss you dearly. Sincerely me."
Jared moved back to the laptop.
"Sincerely me."
"Sincerely me."
They sent the last email and high fived.
"Sincerely me."
(Sorry these last two are kind of  short and cheesy i promise it's all for the good of the story and the juicy stuff is coming.
If you have any ideas at all please feel free to comment down below)

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