Connor Deals With The Devil

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(wow 3 chapters about hell damn)
Connor nudged him forward and he followed him towards the stone steps.
"Yes we'd like to speak to Jason Dean." Lucifer tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Oh right that the trenchcoat kid who works for me. Murderer, Arsonist. Great stuff, but why?"
"Because he might know some stuff about my friend Evan."
Lucifer seemed suprised at Jared's boldness.
"You suprise me mortal. I'd expect someone like you to be shaking in your boots at the sight of the one and only Satan."
"Your not that scary looking actually." Jared crossed his arms trying to keep his knees from shaking. The demon smirked for a moment before rising to his feet and hurrying down the steps. Before Jared could move he wrapped an arm around his waist and pressed his lips to his.
(Lucifer is not gay he's just an asshole who toys with people)
Jared's entire body felt like it was on fire. His back where the demons arm rested. His head where the demons other hand was tangled in his hair. And his mouth that the demons tongue was now exploring.
His mind flooded with images that he could not control. He wanted him. He wanted Lucifer to toss him onto the floor right now and ravish him.
He wanted to kill someone. Preferably someone small and helpless.
He wanted to forget his stupid quest. Selling his soul would get the job done so much quicker.
Images filled his head. Lakes of fire, locusts filling the sky, demonic beasts running amok on the earth. The smell of blood and flesh was in his nose.
He saw all the destruction and the carnage and he loved it.
"STOP IT!" Connor's voice shattered his fantasy. He suddenly found himself on the ground the demon standing above him licking his lips.
"Wow human I'm impressed. Not bad not bad at all."
Jared jumped to his feet and pressed a hand to his mouth. He could still feel the burn from Lucifer's lips.
"What the hell was that for?!" Jared demanded his face livid while the demon chuckled and seated himself back on the stone couch.
"He's just messing with you Jared it's what he does. That's one of the seven deadly sins, lust and Lucifer loves toying with people in that way."
Jared avoided the demons coy gaze as Connor spoke again.
"So may we speak with him?"
Lucifer crossed his legs and scowled. "And why would I ever do that?" He asked. "Mhm? Why would I help a Martyr? What has your God done for me?
"He did everything for you. All you had to do was follow him and you didn't. You thought you were better than him. You thought your lifestyle was more superior to his. You were evil Lucifer he gave you life and you stomped all over it."
"You used to be an angel." Jared spoke up. It wasn't a question it was a statement.
"Unfortunately yes the wings the dress the harp etc etc." Lucifer waved his hand in disgust. "He was just angry because I had some ideas that he didn't agree with. So he tossed me from Heaven and sent me down here to punish the souls of the rest of the people who don't agree with him."
"Don't talk about him like that!" Connor snapped stabbing a finger at him. "How dare you talk about him like that!"
Lucifer's appearance changed suddenly. He stood and his form morphed his shoes and pants dissapeared to show cloven hooves with sharp edges and scaly skin. His shirt ripped away to reveal his red skin. His hair grew past his shoulders and was an inky black. His face was indescribable. He was a monster straight out of Jared's nightmares. His heart threw itself to the back of his ribcage and cowered. His eyes rolled back and he stumbled backwards a few steps.
Don't scream he pleaded with himself. He swallowed. Please don't scream.
"Don't forget who's domain your in boy. I could grind you to dust underneath my toe. Do not test me!" As quickly as he had changed he changed back and smoothed his hair back.
"Now if you want to speak with Jason you'll have to make a deal."
The way he said it made Jared have a pretty good idea of what he meant by deal.
"What did you have in mind?" Jared asked before Connor could speak up.
Lucifer grinned widely. "I think your little friend knows what I mean."
Jared turned to Connor who simply uttered one word. "Sacrifice."
"What kind of sacrifice? Like a sheep or goat?"
Lucifer chuckled low and sultry. "Oh animals won't help you in this case Jared. I'll need something more valuable."
Connor was shaking his head but Jared wasn't going to back down. He needed to know what was going to happen to Evan if he could prevent it he would. Of course he would. He knew what he needed to do.
"I'll do it!" Connor spoke up stepping in front of him.
"What?!" Jared asked incredulous. "Connor you can't!"
"I have to Jared it's my fault your in this mess. And it's my job to make sure you and Evan end up together."
"But your a Martyr a messenger of God, are you allowed to do that?"
"I don't care about the rules." He turned to Lucifer. "I'll give you my soul in exchange for talking to Jason Dean."
"Connor no!" Jared screamed as a scroll appeared in front of him. An invisible force held him back as he tried to rush towards him.
Connor hurriedly wrote his name and the force and the scroll disappeared.
Jared fell to his knees as Lucifer snapped his fingers and another winged demon appeared.
"Go fetch the Westerburg boy and bring him here."
"Yeah sir." It hissed before flying into the air.
"Connor no please you can't do this it isn't worth it!" Jared pleaded clutching his arm.
"It's to late Jared it's been done." Tears pooled in Jared's eyes as the demon returned toting a boy. It dropped him on the ground in front of them.
He had tan skin and dark hair. His jeans were tattered and his feet were bare.
He wore a scorched blue shirt and a grimy black trenchcoat. Despite his ragged appearance there was a wild fire in his eyes and the way with which he carried himself showed that hell hadn't broken him yet.
"Yes sir?" Jason asked bowing to Lucifer. "You asked to see me?"
"Yes these two charming men would like to speak with you. Make it worth their while one of them just sold their soul to have this opportunity."
Jason nodded before motioning down the main hallway. Once they were out of Lucifer's earshot Connor spoke.
"I need information about someone on Earth."
Without question Jason pulled out a composition notebook.
"Who?" He asked checking the table of contents.
"Evan Hansen."
Jason flipped with lighting speed through the pages murmuring to himself.
He tossed the notebook to Jared who caught it recgonizing the picture of Evan.
Connor trailed his finger down the page reading.
"Hidden desires, deadly sin, cause of death, date of death, mental illnesses." He furrowed his brow in frustration. "This doesn't show me anything new!"
"What exactly are you looking for?" Jason and taking back the notebook.
"There's a rift." Connor asked. "You aren't directly connected so you didn't feel it but something drastic has changed. Something bads going to happen.
"An unexpected death perhaps?" Jason asked his eyes on the pages. "That happens sometimes. Someone dies before the time that they were supposed to." He looked disapprovingly at Connor. "Thats what happens when spirits get involved."
Connor rolled his eyes. "Yes I've recgonized the error of my ways I just need to fix it."
"We need to look in the internal files then come on." He lead then down the hallway back to the waiting room.
Malik glared at him from his chair as Jason unlocked a door in the back and entered the room.
It was filled with filing cabinets. Jason moved towards the one labeled H.
He opened the drawer and scanned it. "Here we go Evan Hansen." He pulled out a thick blue folder and dropped it on the table.
"This is a record of every sin Evan has ever committed." He explains flipping it open. "If anything has changed it'll say it in here."
All 3 teens were silent for several minutes as they read through each paper.
Suddenly Connor gasped gripping a page between his fists. "Oh no oh god no." He whisper eyes quickly roaming the words.
"What? What is it?!" Jared demanded clawing at the paper trying to pry it from Connors hands.
"I don't think you want to Jared." Connor admitted.
"It's my soulmate of course I want to!" Jared argued finally able to take it from Connor. Then he to gaped in horror.
At the bottom of the page which should say,
Cause of death: Old age or Collision. It now said. Cause of death: Suicide.
The paper slipped from Jared's fingers. "It's not true." He whispered. "Tell me it's not true."
"Unfortunately it's true." Jason spoke grimly as he packed up the folder.
"We have to do something!" Jared said. "We have to try to stop this somehow we can prevent it....can't we?"
"You can try I guess I done know if it'll do much good." Jason admitted on the way back to Lucifer's castle.
Every step he took closer reminded Jared that he was one moment closer to leaving Connor. And he knew it worried Connor to. He was shaking and clenching and unclenching his fists.
The demons at the door allowed them to pass and before Jared knew it they were standing in front of Lucifer again.
"Any luck?" He asked in mock interest.
Jared shrugged, his eyes on Connor who was scuffing his shoe on the carpet.
"Well then I suppose your dismissed Jason." Lucifer snapped waving his hand.
Jason shot them one last glance before the demon snatched him up and carried him off.
"I suppose you should be getting back up there right?" Lucifer hinted rapping his claws on the couches armrest.
"No I can't leave Connor!" Jared protested. "Their has to be a better way! Please!"
"Save your pleas begging for mercy will do you no good. Now please leave or I will have you escorted out!"
"NO!" Jared shouted grabbing Connors arm tightly till his knuckles were white.
"Jared let go please your only making this harder for yourself!" Connor pleaded trying to pry him off. "Evan needs you. You have to fight for him leave me here I can handle it."
Jared's shoulders shook with his sobs as a winged demon grabebd his shoulders.
Lucifer was watching the whole thing while laughing and Jared had never felt such anger.
"Now girls please escort Mr.Murphy to his eternal punishment." He spoke calmly as though he were speaking about the weather.
Jared fought against the claws that held him lifting him into the air.
"CONNOR!" He screamed once more before a whip cracked through the air catching Connor on the back. He stumbled and fell hard upon the ground.
The demon flew with lighting swiftness back to where him and Connor had first emerged. The staircase.
She deposited him at the foot of it and took off without a word.
Jared was tempted to run back to the waiting room and demand to be let in but it was much to dark he'd never be able to find is way there.
His tears wouldn't stop as he leaned heavily upon the banister.
His vision was blurry and his legs were wobbly.
It was his fault. It was all his fault.
He blindly made his way back up the staircase and through the door standing on the red carpet.
Heather rose from her couch and Kurt and Ram stopped playing catch.
"Jared?" Heather asked. "What's wrong?! What happened?!" She paused. "Where's ......"
"Connor." Was all Jared murmured before standing became to much and he crumpled to the floor.

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