|:|Chapter 3:Rude|:|

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''We're here.''Grover announced while you just woke up and gave him tired look on your face.''Already..?I thought it would took hours..''You groaned as you got up from the seat and took a look at the building which you guess it's a nightclub where mostly mafias,cults and gangs chill out.''Golly it's been while since I've been here from all the help I have to receive to Charlie.''As you said that sentence both of you went in the building when you went in the music was already loud and there are already tons of demons flooding the bloody place.

You looked around the place to find your friends as you started to walk with Grover around the place until you hear a feminine robotic voice near you.''Now look what we got here isn't it our sweet demon?''You turned around and it was Valentina the tall magician looking robot that everybody recognized for her mafia and criminal activities that she was involved.''Tina!When was the last time we both met?''You asked her with excitement in your voice.

 ''Im not sure darling but me and the others are glad to meet you again now shall we start a celebration for Grover finally coming back and meeting (Y/N) again for not seeing him for a long time?''Valentina asked her companions as they cheered as yes.''I'll take that as a yes.''


You and others were gambling,drinking and smoking for a while then everybody passed out from drinking too much expect Grover but he just slept after that,you didn't drank because you weren't much of an alcohol person only your friends are.''Ugh now I have to carry Grover back home?Oh for pete sake!''You groaned at yourself regretting planning to come to the nightclub to meet your old pals.

The music was still banging and the demons are still hanging in this place while you just got bored since everybody is now a drunk coward so you went outside and went inside Grover's vehicle and you had found your dynamite which caused you to smile devilishly.''Now since everybody are having their own fun how about I get my own fun.''You said to yourself as you heard a familiar radio like voice behind you.''Hello there!I never get the chance to meet you the name is Alastor!''You turned around and you jumped a little from his voice.

''Oh hello there Mr!My name is (Y/N) Hirsch which you might know already since all the crimes I made and a reminder from you Im a man so I would REALLY appreciate you use male pronouns.''You said quickly as you took your last breath at the last sentence with sweat drooling on your forehead with a nervous smile stick to your face.

''My apologies for mistaken your gender Mr Hirsch and Im here with you right now because I think we could be great friends!''You paused for a second with disbelief expression on your face 'Wait he wants me to be his friend?I don't believe he might be planning something and trying to manipulate me..' you thought as you started speak.''Sure Alastor we can be friends if you want to!''You said with fake cheerful voice and fake huge smile showing off your tooth gap.

''Excellent!Lets meet each other in the Happy Hotel you don't have to if you don't want to meet me in the hotel.''You had bad feeling about meeting him in the hotel so you 'politely' declined his offer with again fake smile.''Sorry Alastor but I have other business to attend to so would you KINDLY leave me alone and let me do my own stuff.''You grabbed his hands and put his hands together as 'nice' gesture.

He almost frowned but kept his smile on as he nodded yes and walked away.''Maybe I am bit rude but c'mon this guy literally eats and murder people.''You talked to yourself while you were holding your dynamite,you started to take a walk trying to find a good shop to steal until you see one with diamond which caught your attention and you glued your face to the window with stars appearing on your eyes.''Oh that one is going to be mine.''As you said that sentence you took out your lighter and started to light the dynamite then you thrown the dynamite at the window as you covered your ears with unsettling smile until you heard a BOOM.

{❥The 'Sweet' One❥}  (Alastor x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now