Rayne's overwhelming envy

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Rayne hadn't gotten over the fact that Baxter liked Elmer instead of her. She pushed Theodore away when she stomped over to a chair to sit. Theodore arched a brow before going over and sitting next her. Rayne mumbled to herself and flinched when Theo put a hand on her shoulder. "What's the issue this time?" He questioned with a joking grin. "I...I like Harvey but...Baxter likes..Likes..Elmer! And I just- UGH!" Rayne complained, tears welled up in her green eyes. Theodore hugged her sympathetically. Elmer was too busy having an argument with Harvey that she didn't realize her friend Rayne was crying. She stopped when she heard Rayne sniffle and she went up to her. "Oh,Rayne, are you ok?" Elmer questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. Rayne looked at Elmer with pure hatred but put that hatred aside. After all the two had known each other since Kindergarten. "I...I like Harvey and..I just got jealous..Ok?!" She explained, wiping away some of her tears with Theodore's handkerchief. Elmer felt sorry for her and hugged her tightly. "Awww, Ray! I'm sorry!" She apologized. The two had a whole moment of bonding and crying. Theodore and Harvey stood back and left them to be alone. Harvey marveled the kitchen, Baxter making him go towards the knives and touching them. Theodore stood high and fancy, as usual, but he was acting. He didn't know what Florence would do now that he knew where he and his cousin lived. Harvey broke this thought and interrupted his thinking with his childish attitude. "Look what I found!" He said, showing him a tube with a label, "HJ7." Theodore smacked the vile away with a laugh. "That's nothing but a silly artifact." He said grinning. Harvey frowned, picking up the vile that surprisingly didn't break. "But it's not silly!" He protested. Theodore was lost in his train of thought once more, and Harvey pouted. "You've never listened to things I have to say, Teddy." He growled, walking off. He went over to grab a knife when he pulled some sort of lever. He didn't know where it lead and some tile under Theodore flipped downwards. Theodore screamed as he fell. Harvey went over to the empty square and looked down. "You ok Theo?" He asked Theodore who was getting up. "What did you pull Harvey?!" He yelled back to Harvey.

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