New Friends

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Raven's POV
Second period was giant since everyone, with a few exceptions, has to take this class every year with the same teacher. I just followed Joey to a group of nine. Some faces familiar some not so much. Roy, Dick, Jason, Wally, Victor, Garfield, a red haired girl with orange skin, a boy with black semi-long hair and another girl with long black hair.

"Greetings friend Joseph! I see you have brought the new student, Raven! Glorious!" The red head cheered.

She gave me a big hug, almost crushing my bones.

"Forgive Kori, she get really excited and with her alien strength, she really shows it," the dark haired girl apologized.

"Hey, I'm Tim and she is Donna," the third Wayne child introduced.

"I thought Dick said he had three other brothers?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there is...another," Tim said with distaste.

"Damian is home schooled," Dick explained.

" 'cause if he went here he'd be in more fights than me, " Jason added.

"Are all of you the same age?"

" No, Tim was dead a year, Jason was dead for 2 years, and I missed 3 year because I was helping... a friend, " Dick answered while Kori glared at him.

Jason scuffed, " Yeah we die a lot"

"So can everyone give a summary on this group?" I asked suspecting at least one couple in the group.

"I shall go first! I am Koriand'r from the planet Tameran and my special abilities consist of super strength, the bolts of green lightning, flight, and the eye beams! I am in the relationship with boyfriend Dick and my name of the superheroes is Starfire!"

"I'll go next. I'm Victor from planet Earth and my powers are pretty obvious. I'm dating Karen aka Bumblebee and my hero name is Cyborg."

"My turn! I'm Wally from Earth and I have super speed. I'm dating no one at the moment and my hero name is Kid Flash."

"Guess I should go. I'm Jason and my powers are looking extremely good. I'm single and ready to fuck, plus my hero name is Red Hood."

"You are not a hero! Anyways I'm Tim and I am the second greatest detective alive. I am dating the current Batgirl, Stephanie Brown, and I'm Red Robin."

"I'll go next. I'm Dick and I have no powers. I am currently dating Kori and my hero name is Nightwing."

"Me! I'm Garfield but you can call me Gar and I can shapeshift into animals. I'm dating Taylor Swift and my superhero name is Beast Boy!"

"My turn? Well I'm Roy and I can shoot anything perfectly. I'm dating myself and I'm Arsenal.

"I'll go next Joey, I'm Donna and I have the strength of the Amazons. I am dating Terry, he's in college (I blurred everyone's age a bit). My hero name is Wondergirl."

Joey went last,"I'm Joey and I can posses anyone just by making eye contact with others. I'm single and my superhero name is Jericho."

I took everything in and then realized they wanted me to go.

"Well, I'm Raven and my powers include teleporting, flight, releasing a soul self, telekenisis, sarcasm, empathy, healing, mystic arts, and etc. I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have a hero name."

"Wow, you have a lot of powers," Roy stated.


"So how'd you get your powers?" Gar asked.

"..." I look down at my palms.

"Okay, wrong question I guess," he said guiltily.

"Well it doesn't matter. We were all going to go to the arcade tonight. Would you like to come?" Dick invited.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," I give a small smile.

"So did you meet with Batman yet?" Tim questioned as I nodded.

"I'm guessing you got the bot," Jason addressed Joey. Joey shook his head.

"Wait what's the bot?"

"The Batmen in the office and through out the school are all holograms. Usually they have an A.I. operating them but every once in a while it's actually Batman talking through the projection," Vic explained.

"He only does it if it's important. No offense but a new student shouldn't be that serious," Wally added on.

Joey locked eyes with me. "Can me and Joey talk in private?"

I pulled Joe aside and began," Please don't tell them about my dad."

"Okay, as long as you explain it a little better," Joey agreed.

"Fine, I'll give you my number so I can explain it over text."

Soon we returned back to the group.

"Finally, class is gonna end an-"


Donna was interrupted as we all split up to go to our third period. Me and Joey made our way to Language Arts. When we entered I noticed we were the only ones from last period.

"Oh you must be Raven, please take a seat right there," the middle aged woman gestured to a seat on the other side of the room.

I sat down feeling isolated. Joey sat near the door while I sat near the opposite wall. I silently did my work when a boy started talking to me.

"Hello, are you new?"

"Um... Yes," I replied to the boy with white hair and stunning blue eyes.

"What is your name?"

"I'm Raven."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he complimented.

"What is your name?"

"I am Malchior," he answered.

"Well that's interesting."

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