Chickens? Oh No!

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Joey's POV

I looked at Raven as she walked to her seat across the room. I tried to complete my work but I couldn't concentrate. I already feel as if Raven is my best friend. I glance over at her to see her talking to Malchior. Uh oh. He is a big pain. Usually he will insult girls based on their looks but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Raven was smiling along with him

What could he possibly be doing? Is he actually interested in her?

Raven's POV
We talked through out the whole period.

"So would you like to come to my place tonight?" Malchior asked.

"I'm sorry I can't," I turned back to my work.

"Why not?"

"I'm going to the arcade with my friends," I answered.

"The arcade here is no fun, why don't you meet me at the beach instead?"

"But my friends."

"Who cares about them, they probably wouldn't even notice if you were gone," he argued.

"But I did promise them."

"Tell them you can't go."

"I'll think about it," I said.

"Well if you do want to hang out I'll be at the beach."



I met up with Joseph as he looked at me with disapproval.

"What?" I tilt my head.

Joey's hands began to move rapidly, "Malchior isn't one of the guys you should hang out with. He is very rude to girls and he has been arrested for assaulting Rorek."

I shook my head, "He is very kind and I doubt he would assault someone but I'll ask him about it."

We made our way to our next class which was Mystic Art. Apparently Malchior got kicked out of this class. Joe explained that he was taking this class because of his power. He still doesn't understand how he got his powers but it probably has to with his dad.

"So who is your dad?" I asked hoping I didn't step over the line.

"Deathstroke," he answers a little upset.


"What about your dad?" He signed hoping to gain some information.

I sigh then say one word," Trigon."

"Trigon!?" He spells out with his fingers as I nod.

He noticed I didn't want to talk about and changed the topic for the rest of the period. He told me we meet for lunch then go to our 5th class.

The lunch room was filled with hundreds of angsty teens. We sat with the others from combat training.

"Hey guys!" Beast Boy greeted us as I waved back.

"Let's go grab our lunch now," Jason suggested as we all agreed.

"So Rae, what are you gonna eat?" Gar asked leaning on me.

"It's Raven, but probably waffles," I answered.

"Cool! I'll get that, too!" He said pumped.

"I shall have the waffles with the extra mustard!" Kori butt in grossing the others out.

We all sat down and began chatting.

"Yo! What up with all the Wayne brothers having been Robin!?" Vic boomed.

They looked at each other a little nervous.

"Yeah, how come you didn't choose any other birds? Were you chicken?" Garfield joked as turned into a chicken.

A little fact about me, I'm allergic to chickens!

My eyes watered, my skin itched, and I began to sneeze.

"Raven are you okay?" Donna asked concerned.

Beast Boy immediately turned back into his normal self.

"I think she's allergic," Roy stated the obvious.

"I'll take her to the nurse," Wally grabbed me and sped over.

The nurse had light brown hair and looked pretty normal.

"Dr. Snow!! I think she had an allergic reaction to chickens!" Wally huffed.

She quickly examined me then took out a small pill and handed it to me, " Here. "

I swallowed the pill and immediately started feeling better.

"Wally, you can go back to lunch," she shooed him off.

I lied down until I heard the bell to go to my 5th period, math. It's a good thing I asked Joey where it was before lunch. I thanked Dr. Snow and left. When I made it the class I introduced myself to the teacher and he let choose my seat. I see Roy, Joey, Gar, Kori, and Victor all together. At the other end of the room is Malchior. He smiled at me and I smile back. I turn my head back to the others and sit beside them.

"Friend Raven, you are the okay!" Kori crushed me with a hug.

When she finally let go I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Garfield with a bag of chips.

"I figured since you haven't eaten anything yet this might be a proper apology," he held out the chips, " I didn't know what kind you would like so I just got plain old potato chips. "

I take the chips and smile, " Apology accepted. "

"Hey B!! Did you get me any chips for me!!" Vic interrupted.

Without even looking up from his backpack he threw a bag of Barbeque chips at the robotic teen.

"Thanks salad head!"

"No problem tin man."

"Did you get everyone chips?" Joey asked.

"Yup," he gave Kori a bag of ketchup flavor, Roy got cheddar, and Joe got salt and vinegar.

"Now let's start doing the mathematics!" Koriand'r said motivated.

We worked until the bell rang. Apparently everyone has 6th period gym together so we walked together.

"What is the difference in 2nd period and this one?" I asked.

"2nd period is combat against teachers which is why we rarely do shit while gym is normal sports," Roy explained.

"Oh, that makes sense," I reply.

When we arrive we're split up by gender so I stick with Donna and Kori.

"I'm glad you're okay," Donna says happily.

Our couch blew her whistle and began to talk, " I see there are a few new faces so I'll introduce myself. I'm Big Barda and today we are starting soccer. "

I groan and she heard it, " Come here newbie. "

I slowly make my way over.

"Pretend I'm giving you a hard time," she whispers winking.

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