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*Gumball closes his eyes inhaling the smoke until he hears Marshall’s voice. The boy already feels pretty drunk right now. So he’s nervous. He lets the boy take the cigarette and he smiles softly. But then he looks away. He takes the cigarette back inhaling as he spoke.*
“Don’t be too pleased. I wouldn’t have came if I knew it was your concert.. but yeah I changed. That’s what happens when your heart breaks.”
*He blows the smoke into Marshall’s face leaning against the wall looking at him.*
“I miss you though.. but what good is that gona do...”
*He bites his lip before taking another whiff  of smoke. Blowing it again at Marshall. He smiles softly feeling a warm feeling then he walks away from Marshall going inside to get another drink looking back seeing that Marshall followed him.*
“You want to make out or something? Marshall...”
*He says throwing the cigarette and the shot of vodka. He looks to Marshall turning aroind*

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