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Chuuya Nakahara was drunk yet again. Only his 3rd glass of wine, but he was pretty out of it already. The reason? Not only was he stressed about his job, but he was thinking too much again about the accident in his younger years which made him forget just about everything.The small male ordered yet another drink, this time double the alcohol. His hat slides crooked on his head as he downs it in just a couple gulps. Then, he slams the empty glass on the table again and slurs his request for more of the stress-quenching liquid.

A tall brunette with bandages wrapped around his arms and neck was sitting at the back of the bar observing the place, looking for his next victim. His eyes settled on a rather feminine-looking male at the bar. His usual targets  were young, barely legal females. However, this time he'd make an exception. He couldn't get the feeling that he knew the person out of his head.The taller male decides go check him out. He walked up to the bar and ordered his normal drink and taking a seat next to the short redhead.

Having gotten the wrong first impression, the drunk hatrack had waited a couple of moments in silence before letting out a quiet ‘tch’ as his newly filled 5th glass arrived and he downed it again in the blink of an eye. He hadn’t so much as looked at the taller male who had sat next to him yet.

The brunette male tapped twice on the bar, giving the bartender  the signal to put something in the redhead’s next drink.The bartender set down the sixth drink in front of the drunk male.

Chuuya had not paid attention to the man next to him, but just downed the next drink as well. He was unaware of the quickly dissolving sedative in the drink. Just a couple moments after drinking the whole thing and slamming the cup down again, he wavered slightly in his seat. He had then glanced over at the harmless-looking bandaged man, just for a moment, before narrowing his eyes slightly as if wondering why that man was still there.

The taller male looked at Chuuya with a concerned expression. “Excuse me, Sir, are you alright? You don't look well. Would you like me to call a taxi or something for you?” He asked Chuuya, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

The only thing the shorter male got the chance to do was mutter something about a taxi before trying to stand up, only to have his legs feel weak and begin to collapse beneath him. He held himself up with the bar stool as he attempted to fight through this feeling of slowness coursing through him. He barely makes it a step before he falls into subconsciousness, also falling physically as well.

The brunette  instinctively wrapped an arm around  the smaller male's waist to keep him from  falling on his face. “Hello Sir? You okay there?” The taller male sounded genuinely worried at how fast the drug had worked this time.

Chuuya’s body was smaller than the average male’s anyways, and with the depressants in the alcohol, his breathing seems to have slowed as well. However, he is not able to respond as he falls unconscious, leaning against the taller man as he did so.

The taller male smirks and picks the redhead up bridal-style and walks out , carrying him to his car, then buckling him up and blindfolding him before getting into the drivers side seat himself and starting the long drive home.

The smaller male wouldn’t wake up for another four or five hours after that. However, when he did wake, it was because of that nightmare again. There’s a screech of a car, a crash, a boom, then there’s the feeling of falling before there’s another crash. When he hits his head for the first time in the dream is when he wakes up, but even awake, he was completely disoriented. He clenched his eyes shut tighter against the pounding headache in his brain and the faint lights in front of him only made it worse. Wait… why was he cold? Why couldn’t he move his arms to rub at his pounding head? He wondered these things vaguely to himself.


Hii Hellhound here so this book and a few others will be a collab with _Nakahara_Chuuya_

I hope you like it byeee

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