6:Such Horrible Things

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Dazai decided to let the kids explore today seeing as it seemed like it would  be okay they had been there long enough to know what to do and what not to do.

Chuuya was sleeping still, but he was moving around sporadically as if in a panicked nightmare. He ends up waking up and curling up on himself. At this point, the covers had come off slightly so that his head was peeking out slightly. He’s trembling again, his eyes dull.

The second Dazai entered the room, he could tell something  was wrong. It was almost like a sixth sense to be able to read the room when he entered. “Chuuya, are you okay?”

The smaller man had been facing the door anyways. His eyes were shut tightly at this point, not being able to stop trembling. His eyes snapped open after a moment. Fear. He knows that was a nightmare, but it was more terrifying than the usual dreams because it was actually more vivid. His eyes land on Dazai, but they’re a bit unfocused.

“Chuuya?” Dazai cautiously asks as he slowly walks over to the bed and sits on the edge beside the smaller trembling male.

The only response he gets is Chuuya attempting, for half a second, to scoot closer to that warmth. For once, despite the blank stare, he looked like he could possibly have cried in his sleep.

Dazai gently wraps his arms around Chuuya's trembling frame and attempts to soothe him by rubbing his back lightly and speaking to him in a calming tone. “Shh, it's okay.. nothing will hurt you here.”

The trembling hadn’t gone away, but it lessened a bit. Even though it didn’t entirely calm him down, it helped, and he had nuzzled slightly into Dazai, not wanting to part from that warmth. He never asked for hugs, and his family was never the type to hug often. There was another moment of silence before muttering a muffled, “F*cking stupid nightmare…” But it obviously wasn’t that little of a deal if it had made him cry in his sleep.

Dazai  takes one hand and puts it on Chuuya's check and making him look up at him. Dazai wiped away a stray tear on Chuuya's cheek with his thumb before leaning down and softly placing a kiss on his forehead.

At least it surprised him enough to make him actually look at Dazai and focus on him for a moment. It ebbed his panic enough to make him snap out of that state of fear. He almost smiled at Dazai, but instead, just ended up blushing and hiding his face in Dazai’s chest again.

Dazai puts a finger under Chuuya's chin and pulls his head up before sneaking a quick kiss.

The smaller man was surprised, but after a moment of embarrassment and muttering some insult that he didn’t mean in the least, he ends up asking the man a question while hugging him. “... oi, why did you have three kids here anyways…?” He’s kind of curious about it, so he asked.

“Oh, they live here. Lucy, the redheaded one, has been here the longest. 4 years now. I was forced to kill her parents in front of her after my father did whatever it was he did to her, I didn't ask but he kept her here. Then came Atsushi and Kyoka. I found  them in the woods, running away from an orphanage.” Dazai explains quietly due to the fact that he's aware that one of them is listening from the hallway.

There had seemed to be an unnamed tension in the air. The reason showed itself when Dazai was done explaining, as there was an inexperienced throw of a knife headed directly towards Dazai. Chuuya paused as he glanced over, then looked at the wall on the other side and noticed that the knife had hit the wall, leaving a big scratch mark, and hit the floor.

The knife didn't completely miss Dazai, however. It grazed his cheek and cut it.

It left Chuuya frozen in place when the girl showed herself and yelled out, “Why won’t you just kill me already?! You’ve already taken my family… so why the hell should I stay here and suffer?! You’re a murderer! So murder me!” She sounded practically hysterical as she lunged at Dazai to attempt an attack, failing to notice that Chuuya there.

Dazai dodged and rolled  on to the floor. “I told you I don't kill people under 19, also do you think I wanted to kill your parents?”

“I want to die, damn it! Kill me already!” She had glimpsed the gun that was placed next to the bed and grabbed it. But instead of aiming it at herself, she aimed it at Dazai. In her panic, she would not notice Chuuya glimpsing the knives on the ground. Chuuya himself was hesitant and the girl’s back was turned to her. She was facing Dazai. The gun was pretty close to Dazai, though if she shot, it really wouldn’t have hit his chest or head.

“Well shit, she found my gun. I guess this is where I die.” Dazai let out an over dramatic sigh then glances at Chuuya who Lucy had still failed to notice.

Chuuya was faced with a choice… which one would be according to his morals? To kill a girl who wanted to die? Or to let the man who sings about suicide all the damn time to be shot? He actually doesn’t have the time to think it over at all, as his body seemed to move on its own at that point. He had grabbed the nearest knife and jabbed it, with both hands, into the girl from behind. His own eyes were shut tightly when he did this, so it was only luck that he had stabbed the girl in the heart for a quick and painless death. Lucy fell forward after Chuuya had let go of the knife handle. After the deed had been done, when he finally opened his eyes, he nearly puked. Trembling more than before, he got up, both hands covering his mouth as he went stumbling out to look for the nearest bathroom.

Dazai sat there in shock for a moment, then thought about how he had to replace the carpet now. But that would have to wait because he had to check on Chuuya.

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