chapter 15: PERPLEXITY

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After that lovely meeting with Luca, I am completely tired out. On top of that, he was in such a bad mood. He looked like he would kill me if I looked at him the wrong way.

Vera gave me a full on interrogation on my way out. She asked me again why I was there, what I wanted, why I didn't say anything about it on my last day. 

I get home fairly late because the traffic was so bad coming back from the prison. I got a taxi this time, payed for and insisted by Luca. At least he hasn't gone completely bad. He said he got one of his friends to sort it for me which was quite sweet I suppose. By the time  I get home, most my family have gone up to bed. However, my brother has gone out tonight, hopefully not to set absolutely hammered again because that was an experience I do not want to relive. 

I unlock the front door carefully as not to alarm my parents. I creep through the living room when I can smell cigarettes. Has someone left a window open or something? I turn the light on to be scared out my skin by Sebastian sat on the sofa taking a drag out of a straight. 

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper aggressively. 

"Nice to see you too." He chuckles. 

"Seriously, you can't do this! My mum and dad already know something is up!" I plead.

He stares at me but it doesn't look like he's listening. I sigh frustratedly. 

"Well seeing as you're here, would you like a drink?" I ask, letting out another infuriated breath.

"You got any whiskey?" He asks.

"Probably somewhere." I say and stalk off into the kitchen. 

I hunt through the cupboards to find one of my dad's bottles of whiskey. I grab a tumbler and some ice and pour the whiskey in. I also pour myself a glass of coke, seeing as my mouth has become dry from the shock of seeing him sat on my sofa. 

"Here." I say, passing it to him.

"What are you drinking?" He asks with genuine curiosity. 

"Just Diet Coke."

"Bor-ing." He says whilst grabbing my glass.

"W-what are you doing?" I stutter, as he pours some of his whiskey into my coke.

"Try this, maybe it will help you loosen up a little bit." He chuckles.

"I don't need to loosen up!" I tell him stubbornly. 

"Yes you do!" He chuckles again, passing me my glass back.

I scrunch my eyes in disgust as I bring the glass to my lips. I take a sip, feeling the alcohol burn the back of my throat. It's not actually too bad. 

"See." He smirks.

We talked for a while after that, I was slowly feeling myself unwind. However, I hear someone unlock the door midway through our conversation. Shit, it's Ollie. 

"Izzy?" My brother asks as he walks through the door. He stops in his tracks to see Sebastian slumped on the sofa and his legs far apart. "Who's this..." He asks.

"Ollie, this is my... friend, Sebastian. Sebastian this is my brother, Ollie." I say awkwardly, they both nod at each other intensely.

"It stinks in here of fags you know! And what are you drinking?" He says taking a sip of my drink. "Is that Jack and Coke? God, Izzy! What's got into you?" He nearly shouts, triggering me to shush him. 

"I'm nineteen, Ollie! And anyway, that's a bit rich coming from you. Remember when you came home, absolutely rat-arsed, breaking into my room and trying to use my eyelash curler as a toothbrush." I rant, not knowing where this sudden surge of confidence has come from. "And as for the fag smell, it's only because I left the window open." I tell him, lying through my teeth.

"Yeah, well make sure you air it out before dad finds out..." He says, and storms up the stairs.

"Wow. You and your brother are goals." Sebastian says sarcastically.

"Shut up." I laugh.

Sebastian moves over so he is closer to me and we talk some more. He keeps getting closer and closer to me. I notice but I don't feel uncomfortable. Probably because of the alcohol. 

"Listen, Izzy." He says, suddenly very serious. "I'm sorry about what I did to your wrist, I was doing my job, but I took it too far."

"No harm done." I say pointing to my wrist now it's better. 

"I really like you, Isobel Shelby." He says, dreamily. 

"What?" I snap back to reality. 

"Kiss me." He almost commands. 

"What?" I repeat.

"Kiss me." He says again.

"I... no." I say in dismay. 

"Kiss me." He repeats again.

"Are you out of your mind! Luca!" I slur. 

"Fuck Luca." He says leaning in.

"Sebastian, you don't understand!" I say, prising his hands off me. "Okay, I won't rule anything out with you because I think you're a really good guy, but I can't do this right now." 

"Why not, Izzy?" He groans, frustratedly. 

"Because, it doesn't feel right at the moment." I try to tiptoe around him.

"It's because of someone else, isn't it." He says, his eyes going dark.

"Not entirely. I'm confused, I've had too much to drink, I've had a very stressful day, it's late, I'm tired." I list all my excuses.

He tries to kiss me, but I move my head so his lips touch my cheek. he still keeps them there for a while.

"Right. I see. Well, call me when you're not all those things." He says, slightly hurt. 

He lifts himself from the sofa, downs the rest of the whiskey and leaves the living room for me to absorb what has just happened. 

♡team Luca or team Sebastian? hope you all like the new layout btw ;)♡

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