chapter 18: MANIAC

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The drive is long and terrifying. Not only because I'm scared of what Luca will do to me, but because these idiots are driving way over the speed limit. I'm surprised I haven't been car sick.

It takes us about fifteen minutes to drive to the other side of town. What I don't get is how they found me. Were they following me?

"How did you know where I was?" I ask, cautiously.

"We checked your house and you weren't in. We were about to give up until we found you wandering around this late at night." They chuckle. 

"How did you check me house?" I swallow. 

"We broke the back door, no one was in, lucky for you."

They pull up into a car park and stop the car. My heart starts doing backflips. Both men get out of the car at the same time and before I know it, I am grabbed and forced to walk at their rapid pace. Their grip is too tight on my arms, but I'm too scared to say anything. 

We make it into an apartment building. It looks quite expensive from the outside. We make it into the lift and one of the men presses the 12th floor button. 

Once we get onto the 12th floor, the man knocks on the first door he sees.

"Shit." I mumble as I hear footsteps come to the door. This must be Luca. But it's not. It's Sebastian. He opens the door, emotionless. 

"I'll take it from here, guys, thanks. " He monotonously states.

Once their firm grip is removed from my arm I relax slightly. Sebastian summons me to come in but I freeze. He waits but I don't move so he shoves me into the apartment. 

He then again shoves me down onto an office chair at a desk. I suddenly feel like I am at the doctors or something.

"Where's Luca?" I ask. 

"He'll be along in a moment. Just so you can brace yourself, he is fuming with you."

I feel like one of his minions again. Having to obey his orders and being in trouble with him when he doesn't get his way. I decide that I should be cold with him and show him that he has no control over me anymore. However, this act does not come naturally to me. 

I look down at the floor as I hear Luca's footsteps. I don't want to meet his stony gaze again.

"Isobel Shelby." He says, emotionlessly. 

I still don't look up.

"Look at me when I am talking to you!" He shouts making me jump so that I do look up. "You can go now, Seb." 

As he watches Sebastian leave, I take a moment to take in his full appearance. He has had his hair cut so the sides as sharp and fresh. I thought his time out of prison would make him look less gaunt and sickly looking, but right now, he looks as pasty and feverish as a person suffering from a bad flu.

He pulls up a chair so that he can sit with me. Maybe this his his attempt at being civilised?

"Why didn't you answer my texts?" He says making me feel sick. 

"I thought we were finished." I basically whisper. 

"Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn't have texted you."

"I just- I didn't know what to say and I wanted to get my life back on track." I justify my actions.

"So you were deliberately ignoring me?" He grits his teeth.

I fully meet his eyes in anger. "Yes." I clench my mouth. 

His eyebrows furrow in frustration.

"That is a fucking stupid move." He grimaces. 

This comment sends me over the edge. "No. What's fucking stupid is that you prevented me from going to university for 2 weeks just so I could feed you information from your pathetic gang and then you still tried to entice me back in, even thought I put my life on hold for you! Can you really blame me for not wanted to talk to you after that!" I rant, viciously. 

His eyes turn black with anger. He uses his foot to pull my chair closer to him.

"Remember who you're talking to." He spits. 

"I don't care who I'm talking to; I want to go home!" I shout. 

He takes a deep breath. I know I am walking on very thin ice but I can't help but argue. This just isn't fair. 

"So, when we kissed, that meant nothing to you?" He whispers harshly, marks of pain in his voice. 

"I..." I am about to change the subject, knowing that that was not true. What is true that it took every inch of me to not go running back to him and to keep my eyes on the road ahead. 

"Just tell him that!" My subconscious screams at me. 

He raises his eyebrows impatiently. I open my mouth again, but no words come out. 

"See." He declares.

"I think about you a lot." I finally say. "But, It's too much for me to have on my shoulders." 

"What is? I'm not going to hurt you. And I'm not going to ask you to get involved with KM17 again." He whines. 

"Jesus. You're just a bunch of boys. Of course you'll hurt me. Of course you'll get me involved. Of course you'll use me for information." I rant. 

He looks at me bewildered and slightly irritated. 

"I'm serious. You can all go to hell." I shove past him harshly. 

Before I make it three steps, I am roughly grabbed and spun back around. Then, a rough hand comes into contact with my soft cheek, sending a throbbing up my face. He slapped me! I don't believe it! 

Scared beyond belief, I don't look into the eyes that are penetrating my face like lasers. 

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying with me tonight. Whether you like it, or not." He says darkly. 

♡sorry for the lack of updates. I will be more consistent from now on.♡

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