Izako Midoriya

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|I drew the above BTW|

|3rd person POV|

As they all approached the house Ochako and Midoriya made conversation about her home life.

"Yeah well, our house isn't too big but it's big enough for Zak to run around in, so that's saying something."

"Zak? Who's that?"

Ochako realized what she said and spoke quickly before she got too flustered to explain.
"Midoriya Izako, my son" she said, her face flushed as she smiled lightly.

His face turned a crimson red, so much so that Sasuke's sharingan was jealous. "y-your son?" He asked frantically.

"Our son" she said looking back at Izuku who was talking with Uraraka. me and him.. she thought, stopping herself from sighing dreamily. god she was cheezy

This has gotta be a dream! Me and Uraraka, parents?! 

"Oh speaking of which, how old are you guys?" He asked all previous nervousness and anxiety flushed down the trap.

"I'm 34, Izuku's 35" she said, as Midoriya visibly blushed at the use of his first name, not giving a second thought to what she said.

"Oh ok," he said, ending the conversation.

As they reached the block Ochako took a turn and walked across the street "c'mon our house is right here" she said as she pointed at the two-story house she was walking towards.

Izuku and Uraraka sprinted a bit to catch up with the other two, walking right next to Ochako but continuing their conversation. "So any other mystery children you need to warn me about?" laughed Uraraka.

As Izuku opened the front door he made a huge mistake, he let Uraraka and Midoriya walk in first.

"INTRUDERS!" They heard a tiny high pitched voice call out, as he jumped on Midoriya and held his hands behind his back, gripping them tightly and slightly burning them in the process.
"Ouch! That burns!" He said shouting in agony, soon after the young boy burned them even more.

"Izako! Stop that right now!" Scolded a voice behind him as he picked the smaller boy up and put him down next to his mother.

"Huh? Daddy? Mommy? What are you guys doing with the intruders?" He asked looking up to them, so confused it was adorable.

"Sweetie these are our guests, not intruders" Ochako explained kindly and strictly at the same time.

Midoriya had stuggled to get up, so Uraraka had bent down to help him, as he looked up he noticed who was holding the child. a young girl (?) looking about their age. she looked just as shocked to see them as they were,and seemed quite identical to their older counterparts, enough to assume she (?) was their child. "spoke too soon." Uraraka mumbled.

"WOah. dis is weeird yo. ma, did someone clone you??" she (he? it was getting harder to tell the more time went on) gaped at them, seeming weirdly excited by the prospect of her parents being cloned.

"uhm, no, I think it might be time travel." Ochako said, grabbing the youngest Midoriya out of her hand and balancing him on her hip with one hand "so uhm, Kiddo, meet Uraraka and Midoriya, and you guys, this is our oldest. Probably should have mentioned it before ehe" she chuckled nervously.

Izuku looked at the 2 shocked teens with and entertained look on his face, he was enjoying this too much. the brunette teen infront of him seemed to be enjoying this as well. ah, truly his child he thought to himself.

"well, don't yalls just stand there! come in!" they waved the younger counterparts in "you need anything? snacks? icecream? video games? my room while i gostayatmyfriendsforthenightmomcanigoplease?" they asked.

Ochako took a second to register what she had said "no icecream before dinner. and I'll think about it" Izuku seemed offended he wasnt included in the decision so she added a "and ask your father" before walking into the kitchen and setting Izako down.

the little one had simply waddled infront of the teens who had not spoen yet "so yuu like.. smol momy and dady?" he asked crap Uraraka was the first to snap out of her initial shock "uhh yea!"

"lame." he mumbled and ran over to his sibling, reaching his hands out to be carried, she obliged, chuckling and lifted him up, and Midoriya finally got a good look at the both of them.

The eldest was a brunette with short hair, swooped to the side, it looked like it could both be a bowl cut, the kind the reminded him of boy bands back in the present (past?) and could also be tied back, she also had scattered freckles and bright blue (wait- blue??) eyes she also seemed taller than both teens. And the Youngest had light green hair like pistachios or grass (google #93c572) and green-brown eyes.

suddenly izuku felt his wrist burn. oh right, he was assaulted by a 6 year old, that does wonders for his ego. "ahh..." he grimaced "OH shoot! das gotta hurt, lemme go get you some ice." and with that the taller teen ran out of the room, and towards the kitchen. Izuku ushered them into the living room and got them onto the couch. "make yourself at home, I gotta go make sure Zuko doesnt somehow set the ice on fire" and he ran off too.

that left Uraraka with an opportunity to finally talk to Deku "hey so uhm, Deku..." she started, and he looked at her with great interest "this whole situation is so..." "weird? sudden? very utterly shookenth?" he finished for her, and she back tracked "shookenth????" she questioned "I've been hanging out with Kaminari"

"ahhh..." he thought for a minute "so what do we do now?"

"well we go a long with this and help them out as much as we can."

"uhh no, i meant.. what do we do about us?"



"well, what do you wanna do? is there anything to do anyway?"

"i dont know, thats why i asked you" he said

"fair enough". "i guess thats it. nothing needs to change, we can just..." she put her hand over his and rubbed her thumb over palm "keep being us"

All in all, this was a weird day and they hadn't expected to be home anytime soon, but it's all ok cuz the author finally wrote something in 3rd person in this book

|after thinking about it for a while I decided to delete the idea of the other child (sorry)|

|update: there is now an older sibling|


I hope u guys liked this, i made it longer and added the second kid. im going with Zuko for a nickname for now, I'll have a whole chapter about them tomorrow

you nice, keep goin'


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