New People

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Jade: Ok we are back

Lily: About time bitch

Jade: Shut up Lily

Hailey: Shut up bitches

Jade: Sod off Hailey

Jade: Some new people *snaps fingers* Bellatrix

Bellatrix: Hi sweeties

Jade&Emerald: Hi mom

Jade:*snaps fingers* Voldemort

Voldemort: Where the fuck am I

Jade: Hi dad *pulls out wand* accio Toms wand * wand fly's into my hand*

Voldemort: Give that back

Jade: No

Voldemort: Now

Jade: No,no,no

Voldemort: Ugh you win

Jade: I always do, anyways *snaps fingers* Lucius

Lucius: Where the hell am I

Jade: Accio Lucius's wand *wand fly's into my hand*

Lucius: Give that back

Jade: No its mine now

Lucius: You little bitch

Jade: * pulls out Lucius's wand*Crucio

Lucius: *Withers in pain*

Jade: Call me a bitch again and I'll Avada Kedavra your ass

Lucius: Yes your Majesty

Jade: Are you getting smart with me bitch

Lucius: No absolutely not

Jade: That's what I thought anyways *snaps fingers* Narcissa

Narcissa: Where am I

Jade: Accio Narcissa's wand *wand fly's into my hand* *snaps fingers* Molly

Molly: Hello dears

Everyone except Bellatrix, Tom, Lucius,and Narcissa: Hello Mrs. Weasley

Jade: Accio Molly's wand * wand fly's into my hands* *snaps fingers* Arthur

Arthur: What is this place

Jade: Accio Arthur's wand * wand fly's into my hand* *snaps fingers* Seamus

Seamus: Where am I

Jade: Accio Seamus's wand *wand fly's into my hand* * snaps fingers* Dean

Dean: Where am I

Seamus: BABY!😍😊😀

Dean: Seamus!?

Seamus:*kisses Dean*

Jade: DEAMUS!!! Accio Dean's wand *wand fly's into hand*

Dean: Hey!👿

Jade: Got a problem fucker

Dean: N-no😓

Jade: Good *snaps fingers* And Percy

Percy: Ok where the Fuck am I

Jade: Accio Percy's and Bellatrix's wand *their wands fly into my hands*

Percy: The fuck give that back


Percy: Ok,ok keep it

Jade: Tomorrow I'll start the truths and dares feel free to suggest some dares and truth's

Everyone: Bye!

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