Daniel // fisrt time

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*you are getting ready for your date with your boyfriend Daniel, it is your 6 month anniversary and you haven't had sex yet because you are a virgin and haven't felt ready, but you think tonight is the night you are going to give yourself to him and you want to be ready*
*as your getting ready, you decide to dress for the occasion and wear this dress-

*you are getting ready for your date with your boyfriend Daniel, it is your 6 month anniversary and you haven't had sex yet because you are a virgin and haven't felt ready, but you think tonight is the night you are going to give yourself to him a...

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You also decide you want to wear this under to make the occasion more special-

You also decide you want to wear this under to make the occasion more special-

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You decide to do your makeup like this-

You decide to do your makeup like this-

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And your hair like this-

Just as you are finishing your makeup, you hear a knock on the door to your apartment

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Just as you are finishing your makeup, you hear a knock on the door to your apartment. You walk over to the door and open it to see your amazing boyfriend looking stunning as ever in a nice black suit. He looks you up and down and says "how did I get so lucky!" You blush and give him a quick peck and say "let's go we can't be late!" You two walk out of your apartment building and hop in the Uber that was waiting for you. In the Uber, you lean on Daniels shoulder and rested your hand on his thigh which make him gasp as you slowly moved your hand further up. You got out of the Uber when you arrived at the restaurant and you went inside hand in hand. You sat down at the table and had a nice dinner. Right when your dessert came to the table I started to slowly move my foot up his leg and he immediately froze and looked at me. He got out his wallet and left the money for dinner on the table and grabbed my hand. I complained about not getting desert but he didn't respond. We stepped into the Uber and he rested his hand on my thigh and moved it up until I let out a small moan and he stopped in case the driver looked back. When we got to my apartment after what felt like a lifetime, he grabbed me and dragged me up the stairs and right into my apartment. He pushed me lightly but passionately up against the door and started attacking my lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I didn't even try to fight for dominance because I knew I would lose anyways. I quickly moved my arms to the hem of his shirt signaling I wanted it off. He understood but stopped and looked at me because we had never even seen each other naked and he wanted to make sure I was ready to take these steps. He said "baby we don't have to do this if you don't want to, I just want you to be comfortable" in response to his words, I walked into my room knowing he was following me. I walked into the bathroom connected to my room and quickly took off my dress to revel my lingerie. I opened the door just so he could see my face. He smiled shyly at me and came up to the door. I opened the door to revel my whole body and he looked turned on, surprised, and so in love all at once. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into another intense kiss and walked him towards the bed pushing him onto in, before I could even get on top of him, he had flipped me over so my back was on the bed. He stood over me and took off his shirt and pants leaving him just in his underwear. I looked in admiration at his faint but defined abs and he smiled back at me and almost instantly was on top of me kissing me again. He went down to my neck and found my sweet spot almost instantly and I could tell he was leaving a huge hicky but I didn't care. He carefully reached behind my back and whispered "is it okay?" In a loving understanding but desperate tone. I nodded my head quickly and he unhooked my bra and threw it across the room. He whispers "baby your so beautiful" he moves done and starts sucking on my right nipple moving his hand on the other, he switched and did the same in the left. I moaned and I think it turned him on because he moaned to. He went lover and lower on my body until he got to my underwear. He again made sure I was okay and I nodded almost instantly. I loved him so much, even in a situation like this, he was always checking to make sure I was okay. He slid down my underwear and moaned. He started to lick up my folds which made me moan loader than before and he started softly kissing and sucking on my clit while rubbing his fingers through my folds. He slowly sticks a finger in me, I wince in pain and he immediately stopped and looks up to me, I moaned for him to keep going because the pain was already gone. He started sticking his finger in and out of me and when I moaned again, he stuck another finger in me and almost immediately after, another. He was now viscously sucking on my clit and moaning which caused vibrations to go threw my whole body. I felt a knot in my stomach and I felt overwhelming pleasure and I screamed out "Daniel!" as I came.
"You ready baby?" He asked softly. I moaned in response not being able to get out any words. He slowly started to push into me and I hissed in pain. He stopped immediately. And when I nodded my head he continued to slowly push in. Once he was all the way in, he stopped for a minute to let me adjust to his size. I told him to go and he slowly started to thrust into me. I moaned and this made him go faster. I was starting to feel more pleasure than pain. He hit my spot and I screamed his name once again and told him to go faster. He listened and was going at a fast pace. I felt that knot in my stomach again and screamed "Daniel I'm gonna cum" he just nodded and said "me to baby". Seconds later, we both came and he pulled out lying next to me. "That was amazing baby" he said. "We should have done that sooner" I laughed. He leaned over and kissed my head and pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep cuddling.

Thanks for reading!!! This is my first smut so sorry if it sucks😬👍🏻 dm me for requests including-
Which boy (or boys)
Smut or not
Plot line
Or stuff like that!

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